
What do we learn from "Im Kehah ha'Barzel v'Hu Lo Fanim Kilkel [va'Chayalim Yigbar]"?


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 7b: If the sky is Kehah (hard) like iron and does not send dew and rain, it is due to ruinous deeds of the generation - "v'Hu Lo Fanim Kilkel." Hashem does not smile [at them] due to spoiled deeds.


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 8a #1: If you see a Talmid whose learning is hard like iron on him, because his Rebbi does not show a friendly face at him, his solution is "va'Chayalim Yigbar" - bring friends to appease his Rebbi.


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 8a #2: If you see a Talmid whose learning is hard like iron on him, because his learning is not arranged, his solution is "va'Chayalim Yigbar" - he should sit much in Yeshivah.


Rav Sadya Gaon: If the iron [chisel used to quarry rocks] was blunted, without sharpening its blade, and he will invest more strength, all the more so


This refers to the previous verse - one who quarries will weary, and one who chops will be in danger. (PF)


Metzudas Tziyon: Kehah is like Kehah with a Kaf "v'Hinei Kehah ha'Nega" (Vayikra 13:6) - it is clouded and darkened. Gimel, Yud, Kaf and Kuf are interchangeable (for all are pronounced from the same part of the mouth).


Rashbam: It makes the heart bold to win in war. Our verse repeats "Tovah Chachmah mi'Klei Kerav" (9:18). Barzel refers to weapons, like "v'Nashal ha'Barzel" (Devarim 19:5). Kilkel is polishing, like "Nechoshes Kalal" (Yechezkel 1:7) (Metzudas Tziyon - like "Kilkal ba'Chitzim" (ibid. 21:26)).


What do we learn from "va'Chayalim Yigbar"?


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 7b: If there is no dew or rain due to the generation's deeds, they should overpower with [requests for] mercy.


Refer to 10:10:1:2-3, 5, 7-9.


Ibn Ezra: "Yigbar" is to defeat, like "v'Gibarti Es Beis Yehudah" (Zecharyah 10:6). "Va'Chayalim" is strength, like "Hashem Elokim Cheili" (Chabakuk 3:19), "Anshei Chayil" (Bereishis 47:6).


Why does it say "v'Yisron Hechsher Chachmah"?


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 7b: [If the generation's deeds were bad, they should request mercy -] - all the more so [they will get dew and rain] if they fixed their deeds from the beginning!


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 8a: All the more so a Talmid will succeed if his learning is arranged for him from the beginning.


Rashi: Chachmah is better than iron. If you see a Chacham whose face blackens amidst hunger and poverty, amidst Ashirim, do not disgrace him, for many soldiers overpower via him.


Ibn Ezra: Chachmah is better than all toil. It improves and straightens a person without fatigue and weakness. "Hechsher" is like "v'Chasher ha'Davar" (Esther 8:5) - it is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject); Hechsher is Po'el Yotzei (it acts on others).


Ri Kara: Hechsher (making the iron proper) and fixing it is greater than the iron itself. The same applies to all matters. Chachmah is the Hechsher of everything.


Rid, Metzudas David: Chachmah improves and straightens a person on the good path. Metzudas Tziyon - Hechsher is straight and good.


Seforno: Refer to 10:11:1:9.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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