
What is the significance of "Mishneh l'Melech Achashverosh v'Gadol la'Yehudim"?


Vilna Gaon #1: He was Mishneh l'Melech in matters of this world. He was esteemed in the eyes of the Yehudim, for he was great in Torah 1 .


Vilna Gaon #2: The verse hints that Mordechai had all five attributes - Chachmah, Binah, Da'as, good deeds and good Midos. Mishneh l'Melech refers to Binah, which is needed to judge - "Yere Pharaoh Ish Navon v'Chacham" (Bereishis 41:33) - Chacham to gather grain, and Navon to judge the nation 2 . Gadol refers to Chachmah, like "va'Yhi ha'Ish ha'Hu Gadol mi' Kol Bnei Kedem" (Iyov 1:3). They were great Chachamim - "va'Terev Chachmas Shlomo me'Chachmas Kol Bnei Kedem" (Melachim I, 5:10). Also refer to 10:3:2:3, 10:3:3:2, 10:3:4:2.


Even though some separated from him (refer to 10:3:2:1), the majority of the Sanhedrin (and all the more so everyone else) greatly esteemed him for his Torah. (PF)


The verses explicitly discuss only someone to gather grain. Why didn't he bring "Chachamim u'Nevonim" (Devarim 1:13), which discusses judges? (PF)


Why does it say "Mordechai... Ratzuy l'Rov Echav"?


Rashi citing Megilah 16b: A minority of the Sanhedrin separated from him (for he became close to the kingdom and was Batel from his learning 1 ).


Vilna Gaon #1: This refers to Chachmah - "Yehi Retzuy Echav v'Tovel ba'Shemen Raglo" (Devarim 33:24). Shemen is Chachmah 2 , like Chazal said 'Teku'ah is best for oil' (Menachos 85b). This is why Yo'av sent to Teku'ah to find a wise woman.


Vilna Gaon #2: This refers to Torah, i.e. Da'as - "Ki Motz'i Matza Chayim va'Yafek Ratzon me'Hashem" (Mishlei 8:35).


Malbim: Even though he was Mishneh l'Melech over the entire Medinah, and over the Jews in particular, most were pleased with him, for he sought only good for his nation.


Rishon l'Tziyon (16b): Surely when Mordechai saved Yisrael, this was greater than learning! They were displeased that afterwards he accepted authority lest enemies come to harm Yisrael.


Vilna Gaon: "Lo Yasur Shevet mi'Yhudah u'Mechokek mi'Bein Raglav" (Bereishis 49:10) refers to the Reish Galusa in Bavel (who rules over the nation with a staff), and the Nesi'im in Eretz Yisrael. Mordechai had both, for his mother was from Yehudah, and his father was from Binyamin. "Mi'Bein Raglav" is even if he is not totally from Yehudah, only from his mother. (Yerushalmi Kil'ayim 9:3 says that Rebbi's mother was from Yehudah, and his father was from Binyamin, and he was Nasi! However, the Bavli Kesuvos 62b holds that his father was from Yehudah - PF).


What do we learn from "Doresh Tov l'Amo"?


Torah Temimah citing Esther Rabah: Hashem said, you were concerned for one soul ("Shelom Esther" - 2:11). In the end you will seek Shalom of an entire nation!


Vilna Gaon: Doresh Tov is good deeds. He did Chesed with all of Yisrael.


What is the meaning of "v'Dover Shalom l'Chol Zar'o"?


Rashi: "L'Chol Zar'o" is the seed of his nation.


Vilna Gaon #1: Dover Shalom is good Midos. This is the greatest; it encompasses the entire Torah - one who gets angry; it is as if he serves idolatry; one who speaks Leshon ha'Ra, it is as if he denies Hashem (Erchin 15b). Shalom is the Klal of all [good] Midos. Birkas Kohanim has six Brachos, corresponding to five Chumashim and Shalom. Correspondingly, the six Sedorim of Mishnah end with Shalom.


Vilna Gaon #2: He benefited all the nations, lest they take vengeance against his seed afterwards. In his lifetime he was powerful, and they could not do anything to him. He benefited all nations with his good Midos, lest they take vengeance against his seed after his death. This brought Shalom for all his seed, forever.


Malbim: He did not conduct with them forcefully, rather, with Shalom and straightness.

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