
What is the comparison to Giborim who trample on earth in war?


Rashi: The verse should be re-arranged. In war, they will trample people like Giborim who trample on mud. Bosim is trampling, like "Navus Kameinu" (Tehilim 44:6), "Bosesu Es Chelkasi" (Yirmeyahu 12:10).


Radak: Yisrael will be like the early Giborim of Yavan, who trampled their enemies in earth.


Malbim: Even though they will not have chariots or horses, they will be like Giborim who go on foot in the mud.


What cavalry will be shamed?


Rashi: Beis Yehudah will shame the cavalry who come to fight against them. Radak - Yisrael foot-soldiers will defeat the enemies on horses (Malbim - because Hashem is with them).

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