
What do we learn from "Mimenu Finah"?


Rashi, from Chulin 56b: Yisrael's kings were from Yisrael. Shemos Rabah 37:1 - . Pinah is the king 1 - "Even Ma'asu ha'Bonim Haysah l'Rosh Pinah" (Tehilim 118:22). Other nations used to appoint over themselves kings from elsewhere - "va'Yimloch be'Edom... [from] Dinahava; ... mi'Batzrah" (Bereishis 36:32-33).


Radak: Pinah is a Mashal for the head of the nation - "Goshu Halom Kol Pinos ha'Am" (Shmuel I, 14:38). The heads of Yisrael will not be from Yavan.


Malbim: Pinah is the cornerstone - the foundation of building the house. It is a Mashal for the king.


What do we learn from "Mimenu Yased"?


Shemos Rabah 37:1: This refers to the Kohen Gadol - "u'Skativ Yased b'Makom Ne'eman" (Yeshayah 22:23). (He is from Yisrael.)


Rashi: Yisrael's officers are from Yisrael. Radak - we learn from "u'Skativ Yased b'Makom Ne'eman"


Malbim: Yased (peg) supports the entire tent. The tent is a Mashal for the shepherd's dwelling. He is the Kohen Gadol or head of the Sanhedrin who conducts Yisrael in matters of the creed - "u'Skativ Yased b'Makom Ne'eman." The kingship is depicted as a house - "Ki Vayis Ya'aseh Lecha Hashem" (Shmuel II, 7:11). The king and the one who teaches Torah law will be from Yisrael, unlike in Bayis Sheni, when kings of Paras, Yavan and Romi, who ruled over Yisrael, appointed them.


What do we learn from "Mimenu Keshes Milchamah"?


Rashi, from Shemos Rabah 37:1: Those who fight Yisrael's wars are from Yisrael. Radak, Malbim - they will not need help from another nation. Their Giborim will be from Yisrael.


What do we learn from "Mimenu Yetzei Chol Noges Yachdav"?


Shemos Rabah 37:1: These are scribes of the judges (they are from Yisrael).


Radak: Yisrael will oppress those who hate them.


Malbim: Strangers will no longer rule over them.

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