Why did he ask Hashem to pour His anger against the Goyim?
Radak: If You have anger, pour it against the Goyim who do not know You, and not against Yisrael. Even if Yisrael sinned against You, they did not totally leave Your Reshus. They did not mix with another Am. They are separate from all the Nochrim, and keep most of the Mitzvos, and call to You and pray to You. Even though their heart is not proper, they will repent; hope is not lost from them. Also today, there are Chasidim among them.
Who are "ha'Goyim Asher Lo Yeda'ucha"?
Malbim: This is Rabas Bnei Amnon.
What are "Mishpechos"?
Radak: This is like nations. A nation is called Mishpachah, e.g. "v'Im Mishpachas Egypt Lo Sa'aleh" (Zecharyah 14:18).
Why does it say "b'Shimcha Lo Kara'u"?
Malbim: These are nations who know that there is Elokim, but they call in the name of the Ba'al.
What is the meaning of "Achlu... va'Achaluhu"?
Rashi: Both of these mean 'they swallowed.'
Malbim: They devoured them time after time.
Why should Hashem be angry with the nations for swallowing Yisrael? Hashem sent them to do so!
Radak: You were slightly angry with Yisrael. They helped to do [additional] evil. They are proper for punishment. Pour Your anger against them!
What is the meaning of "va'Ychaluhu"?
Malbim: After devouring Yisrael for their benefit, they totally finished them off.
What is the meaning of "Navehu Heshamu"?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They made their dwellings desolate.
Radak: Perhaps it refers to the Beis ha'Mikdash; it refers to the future.
Malbim: Perhaps this applies to Rabas Bnei Amnon, who also afflicted Yehudah. Or, it is Nebuchadnetzar, who came three times against Yerushalayim - they were exiled in the seventh, eighth and 18th year. Therefore, there are three expressions (Achlu, va'Achaluhu, va'Ychaluhu).