
Why does the Sefer begin with a Vov?


Radak: It is a custom in Leshon ha'Kodesh to begin matters with a Vov. 1


Radak: In Yehoshua (1:1), I explained why some Seforim begin with va'Yhi.


Why does it say "Ish Echad"?


Bamidbar Rabah 10:5: Echad always means Gadol, i.e. the greatest of his generation. 1


Malbim: I.e. he was special, to father Shmuel. (I.e. we need not say that he was a great Chacham. Also Mano'ach is called "Ish Echad" (Shoftim 13:2), because he was special to father Shimshon, and some say that he was an ignoramus (refer to Shoftim 13:11:1:1,2)! - PF)


Why does it say "ha'Ramasayim Tzofim"?


Rashi: There were two Ramos 1 that were Tzofim 2 (could see each other).


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Tzofim means Talmidim of the prophets. Radak - this is like "Tzofeh Nesaticha" (Yechezkel 3:17). The word Min applies also to Tzofim; he was from a family of prophets, i.e. Bnei Korach. 3


Malbim: There were two places called Ramah near each other; Tzofim (people of the family of his father, Tzuf) lived there.


Malbim, citing Megilah 14a: He was one of Ma'asayim (200) Tzofim who prophesied for Yisrael.


Radak: Min ha'Ramasayim means from one of them. This is like "va'Yikaver b'Arei Gil'ad" (Shoftim 12:7; the simple meaning is, he was buried in one of the cities of Gil'ad) and "bi'Shetayim Tischaten" (18:21, you will marry one of the two).


Malbim: If so, it should have said "Tzofos"!


Tehilim 44-49, and six other Perakim, are from Bnei Korach.


From whom did Elkanah descend?


Rashi, based on Divrei ha'Yamim 1 6:18-22: He was a Levi, from Avi'asaf ben Korach. Radak - Elkanah was from Elkanah ben Korach. 1


Indeed, Divrei ha'Yamim 1 6:7-13 implies so, but those verses can be explained differently. Seemingly, verses 18-22 prove like Rashi, that he descends from Avi'asaf. (PF)


What does "Efrati" connote?


Rashi, based on Targum Yonasan: He was from Har Efrayim. 1


Rashi, citing Yalkut Shimoni 77: He was the son of Paltin Avaginos, an esteemed man 2 . This is like 'Apiryon Namtei l'R. Shimon' (Bava Metzi'a 119a), an expression of grace.


Radak: Efrati can mean someone from Shevet Efrayim, or one who lives in Eretz Efrayim, like "ha'Efrati Atah" (Shoftim 12:5). Or, it can mean someone from Beis Lechem Efras - "v'David ben Ish Efrati" (17:12), "Machlon v'Chilyon Efratim" (Rus 1:2). 3


Radak citing Midrash Shmuel 1:6: It is an expression of greatness and importance.


Radak, citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi (in Bamidbar Rabah 5:8: It is Palatini (one who dwells in a palace).


Radak, citing Targum Yonasan: It is a man who gets a share of Kodshim 4 in Har Efrayim.


Pesikta Zutresa (Shemos 1:21): In Divrei ha'Yamim I, 2:19, "Efrat" is Miryam. David is called Efrati because he descends from her. (Perhaps the same applies to Elkanah. - PF)


Radak: Perhaps this is why Pilegesh b'Giv'ah is at the end of Sefer Shoftim, 'adjacent' to the start of Sefer Shmuel, for also [her husband] was a Levi from Har Efrayim.


Pirkei d'R. Eliezer (45): Every esteemed man is called Efrati - "Yaravam ben Nevat Efrati" (Melachim I, 11:26), "v'David ben Ish Efrati" (below, 17:12).


Radak: Why must it say Efrati? It already said that he was from Har Efrayim! It teaches also his ancestors lived there; Efrati refers to Tzuf. It seems that their inheritance was there; Bnei Korach had cities in Har Efrayim. Yehoshua 21:20, 21 says that Bnei Kehas inherited [cities] there. Pnei Moshe (Yerushalmi Bava Basra 22b) - Bnei Korach inherited from their maternal grandfathers.


Leviyim receive only Ma'aser! Indeed, Rashi (Devarim 18:1) says that 'Kodshei ha'Gevul ' are Terumos and Ma'aseros. However, one does not get a share of Ma'aser. The Yisrael gives it to the Levi or Leviyim of his choice! This requires investigation. (PF)

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