
Why does it say "Shechorah Ani v'Navah"?


Rashi: You, my friends, I should not be light in your eyes even though my husband abandoned me due to blackness in me, via that the sun darkened me (6). The delineation of my limbs is Na'eh (nice).


Malbim (Melitzah): The Nefesh that desires this wondrous clinging (understanding via prophecy), it is black. She sees that its Heavenly Beloved cannot kiss it now via speaking face to face, and draw it from the king's room (the body), for Bnos Yerushalayim (bodily powers) surround it, and it is caught in the thicket among them. She answers and tells them, even though externally I appear black, (black absorbs divisions of light 1 , like is known via science. This is a metaphor for components of spiritual light absorbed in it. They are hidden in it and not revealed - i.e. they are potential, but not actualized. With all this, I am intrinsically, beautiful. My essence is dear light that gets clearer and clearer. I am black due to being incarcerated in physicality opposite the sun. When I will be cleansed of the stains of physicality, and not be opposite the sun, then the tents of Kedar will return to be like Shlomo's curtains.


Malbim (Mashal): This friend does not know that she speaks with her beloved. She turns to Bnos Yerushalayim who guard her, and tells them 'even though I am black (for she was always under the sun, with the flock), this is not like the blackness of a Kushis, which is intrinsic and never departs. Rather, it is incidental. Anything incidental departs when the cause departs. If I will not sit under the sun, I will be beautiful, like initially.


I.e. white light is composed of all colors of the rainbow. Black absorbs all of them, and does not reflect them. Any color reflects light of its color. (PF)


Who are "Bnos Yerushalayim"?


Rashi: They are the nations, for in the future Yerushalayim will be a city for all of them - "v'Nasati Es'hen Lach l'Vanos" (Yechezkel 16:61). Vanos are towns, like "Ekron u'Vnoseha" (Yehoshua 15:45).


Seforno: They are towns - "v'Nasati Es'hen Lach l'Vanos." They will not have any complaint that Yerushalayim requests Hashgachah Peratis, that there is partiality. Yerushalayim can say, it is proper that Hashem desire me. Even though I am black in deeds like them, I am beautiful in knowledge of Hashem, fear of Him and love of Him 1 .


If she is beautiful in fear and love of Hashem, why is she black in deeds? (PF)


What is the comparison to "Ahalei Kedar"?


Rashi: I am black like the tents of Kedar 1 . The rain blackens them, for they are constantly spread in Midbaros.


Seforno: Their blackness is incidental, and not intrinsic. They are not made from a black garment, rather, from a white garment that happened to blacken. Intrinsically, I am beautiful!


Malbim (Mashal): Intrinsically, they are like "Yeri'os Shlomo"; they can be laundered and returned to their whiteness. They are black only due to the sun.


One of the sons of Yishmael (Bereishis 25:13).


What is the comparison to "Yeri'os Shlomo"?


Rashi: I can be laundered easily. We find like this - Keneses Yisrael says to the nations I am black in my deeds and beautiful in my father's deeds. And even in my deeds, some are nice. If I have the sin of the Egel, corresponding to it I have merit of Kabalas ha'Torah.


Seforno: They are beautiful based on the materials from which they were made, their craftsmanship, and order.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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