
What do we learn from "Hinei Yafah Rayasi"?


Rashi #1: I was ashamed of my transgression, and He strengthened me with words of appeasement, to say "Salachti ki'Devarecha" (Bamidbar 14:20).


Rashi according to the metaphor: I pardoned your sin, and you are beautiful wit and you are beautiful with "Na'aseh" and you are beautiful with "Nishma" (Shemos 24:7). You are beautiful via your deeds.


Rashi #2: You are beautiful with the work of the Mishkan - "v'Hinei Asu Osah


How are her eyes like doves?


Rashi #1: If a Kalah's eyes are ugly, one must check her entire body. If her eyes are nice, one need not check her.


Rashi #2: There are Tzadikim among you who clung to me like a dove. From when she recognizes her mate, she does not abandon him to mate with another. So "va'Ye'asfu Elav Kol Bnei Levi" (Shemos 32:26); they did not err with the Egel.


Seforno: Eyes are the teachers, from the Chachamim of the generation. They are like doves' eyes, that "Yoshevos Al Melos" (5:12); they see wonders of the Torah and its proofs totally.


Malbim (Melitzah): There are two kinds of eyes. (a) An inner eye that sees powers of the Nefesh, to see Divine visions engraved on their tablets. (b) An external eye to see the Klal of existence, to see Hashem's conduct, Hashgachah, Chachmah and ability. Your eyes like the eyes of doves, which do not separate from their mate. So you look at Me with your two eyes, to recognize Me, seek Me and request My love.


Malbim (Mashal): They look only to their mate.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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