
Why does it say "Eshkol ha'Kofer Dodi Li b'Charmi Ein Gedi"?


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 88b: The One sheha'Kol (that everything) is His, He is Mechaper for my sin of Gedi (a kid is like a calf. Alternatively, it refers to idolatry ("ha'Orchim la'Gad Shulchan"), which I Charamti 1 (gathered, i.e. lusted for many gods).


Rashi: There is a fragrance called Kofer - "Kefarim Im Neradim" (4:13). It is made like Eshkolos (grape clusters). It is common in the place called Ein Gedi.


Rashi citing Agadah: The vineyards of Ein Gedi produce grapes four or five times a year. It is an example for many Kaparos and pardons that Hashem did for several trials that Yisrael tested Him in the Midbar.


Seforno: Balsam is found in Ein Gedi. So You showed a little of Your good ways among us in the past.


Malbim (Melitzah): She senses his scent and spirituality due to the Divinity found outside the Divine Nefesh that spreads into the entire existence. From there, Chachamim smell it to know Him. Charmi Ein Gedi is a Midbar (Shmuel I, 24:1), i.e. the Midbar where He makes His dwelling. This is a metaphor for His dwelling in Shamayim out of this world that is settled via people. He is like an Eshkol 2 of Kofer 3 - people smell it from afar. She says that she grasped His Ruchniyus and honor both via the Nefesh, and Divine understanding outside the Nefesh.


88b: We find that Charamti refers to gathering - 'a launderer's chair that Chormim (one gathers) clothes on it (to scent them)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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