
What do we learn from "Kol ha'Nechalim Holechim El ha'Yam"?


Rashi (1, 7): This discusses idolaters. Fools who bow to the water think that it has real [power], for they see that all rivers go to the ocean, and it is not full. They do not realize that "Sham Hem Shavim Laleches" - the water that goes to the ocean is the same water that already went. Refer to 1:7:2:2.


R. Avigdor #1: All Torah goes only to the heart.


R. Avigdor #2: All money goes to the kings.


Why does the sea not become full?


R. Gershom (Bechoros 9a): There is a place in the sea that swallows all water 1 . Some say that it is Miryam's well.


Rashi: The ocean is higher than the entire world - "ha'Korei l'Mei ha'Yam va'Yishpechem" (Amos 5:8) - one pours from above to below. The water flows under the depth and goes through tunnels under mountains, and returns above the ground to the ocean. Therefore, the rivers do not cease and the ocean is not full. Ri Kara - therefore, rivers are not Hevel.


Ibn Ezra: Constantly vapors rise from the sea to the sky; these are the clouds. Sweet water rises, for it is light. It falls as rain - "ha'Korei l'Mei ha'Yam va'Yishpechem" (Amos 5:8). The springs are from rain, and all the rivers are from springs. You find that in a drought year, most springs are dry - "va'Yivash ha'Nachal Ki Lo Hayah Geshem ba'Aretz" (Melachim I, 17:7).


R. Avigdor: Kings are not satisfied with their wealth.


Rashi (9a): Water of that place swallows all water. Chidushei Agados (Maharal) 9a - absolute lack clings to the ocean. Any such matter swallows whatever comes to it, and it is never satiated due to the lack that clings to it.


What would happen if the sea became full?


Ibn Ezra 1 : If it would fill past its quota, it would [overflow, and] cover the land.


Rashbam: The rivers would cease to flow to the sea.


R. Avigdor: If the sea (heart) became full [of Chachmah], he would not be able to learn more 2 .


It seems that he learns from Tehilim 104:9. (PF)


R. Avigdor, from Koheles Rabah: A woman asked why "Yahev Chachmesa l'Chakimin" (Daniel 2:21)? He should give Chachmah to fools (they need it more)! A parable answers this. One lends to an Ashir, but not to an Oni, for if the money is lost, only an Ashir will be able to repay. If Hashem gave Chachmah to fools, they would learn in privies and bathhouses. Rather, He gives to Chachamim, who contemplate it in Batei Midrashos and Batei Kenesiyos.


What do we learn from "El Mekom sheha'Nechalim Holechim Sham Hem Shavim Laleches"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: The rivers pour into the sea - constantly.


Rashi: The Rasha, just like he came, so he goes.


Ibn Ezra: The water returns from the sea to the rivers countless times 1 . Refer to 1:7:2:3.


Rashbam: Just like the rivers go to the sea today, they will go tomorrow. They will not cease. However, man ceases. All this explains "Mah Yisron?" (3).


R. Avigdor: Do not say that if one expelled Chachmah from his heart, it will not return.


Metzudas Tziyon: The rivers want to fill the sea - but they themselves return from the sea to their source, and cause that the sea not fill! This comes to despise toil for acquisitions. There is no guarantee to attain his desire, just like the sun does not (due to the Galgal), and the rivers do not (due to themselves)!


Ibn Ezra (7): Vegetation, animals, man, birds and fish are from the four elements (refer to 1:4:1:2). Since the elements return to their sources, surely what is made from them will not last [forever]! If their start is Hevel, so they will be in the end. If man is Hevel, all the more so his deeds and thoughts are! "Hashem Yode'a Machshevos Adam Ki Hemah Havel" (Tehilim 94:11).


Why didn't Shlomo explain what makes the water return?


Ibn Ezra: This requires a proof. This Sefer discusses matters that are seen clearly and do not need proof. This is why he did not explain how the sun returns from west to east at night - if it goes above the Raki'a, on the sides or via the land, in the middle of the Galgal.

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