
What do we learn from the entire verse?


Rav Sadya Gaon: The sun travels along the south, and afterwards circles around the north. It traverses every direction in its orbit, and returns to the point where it began.


Ri Kara: Do not say that surely the sun that shines today is not the one that shone yesterday, for it was not seen at night. If so, also the sun is Batel, and it is Hevel! This is wrong. Refer to 1:6:2:1.


What do we learn from "Holech El Darom v'Sovev El Tzafon"?


Rashi, from Bava Basra 25b: The sun (always) travels along the south by day, and circles around [in back of the earth] the north side by night.


Ibn Ezra: Sometimes wind blows air to the north, and sometimes to the south. It goes from south to north along the east, and from north to south along the west.


What is "ha'Ru'ach"?


Rashi: It the Ru'ach (desire) of the sun, like "El Asher Yihyeh Shamah ha'Ru'ach Laleches" (Yechezkel 1:12); Metzudas Tziyon - like "Hine Nosen Bo Ru'ach" (Melachim II, 19:7).


Ibn Ezra (from Koheles Rabah 1:6): It is wind.


Ri Kara: It is direction or side. The Targum of "la'Pe'ah ha'Echas" (Shemos 27:9) is l'Rucha Chada.


What do we learn from "Sovev Sovev Holech ha'Ru'ach"?


Rashi, from Bava Basra 25b: Sometimes (i.e. in summer) the sun travels along the east and west during the day. Sometimes (i.e. in winter) it circles around the east and west at night.


Ibn Ezra: In the end, the wind goes around all directions like the sun, for it causes the motion of the Ru'ach.


R. Avigdor: The latter "Sovev" is written without a Vov, to hint that at [six hours into the night, i.e.] midnight, the north wind blows 1 .


Metzudas Tziyon: The sun wants to go to its destination, but the Galgal overpowers it (and forces it to go to the south?)


Brachos 3b says so, but does not learn this from our verse.


What is the meaning of "v'Al Sevivosav Shav ha'Ru'ach"?


Rashi #1: The entire circuit that it went around yesterday, it will circle it also today.


Rashi #2: This teaches about Resha'im. All that their sun shines, in the end it will set. All that they get stronger, in the end they will return to their filth. They came from a place of filth, and go to a place of filth.


Ri Kara: The sun goes in the south [during the day] with Sevivosav (the directions next to it, i.e. east and west), and returns in the [northern] direction, so it will rise today where it rose yesterday.


Metzudas Tziyon: [Even though every day the Galgal forces it to go unlike its desire,] it desire always returns.

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