
Why does it say "veha'Yom ha'Zeh"?


Vilna Gaon: Later, [the Sarim will return home and tell? and women will disgrace their husbands]. Also now, the Saros who heard Vashti say 'stable boy of my father?' (refer to 1:12:3:1), they will tell all the king's officers who did not hear this.


Malbim: (Later, the Saros will return home and tell?) Also now, they will tell all the queen's words to their husbands. Your goal, that the officers will agree that you have unlimited kingship, will be foiled. They will hear that Vashti holds that she has a share in your kingship; you inherited it from her. If you will not kill her, you agree to her words!


What will the Saros of Paras and Madai say?


Rashi: They will tell this matter to all the king's officers. The verse omitted this.


Refer to 1:18:1:1-2.


What is the meaning of "u'Chai Bizyon [va'Katzef]"?


Rashi: There is in this much disgrace [and anger].


Vilna Gaon: There is disgrace in Vashti's saying 'stable boy of my father?', and anger for not obeying the king's word.


Malbim: Women of the nations will disgrace their husbands, and Ketzef (agitation) among the officers, who will Yaktzif (contest) your kingship; it will remain limited.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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