
What do we learn from "Lo Aleichem..."?


Rashi citing Sanhedrin 104b: This teaches Kuvlana. [Some explain, one should tell his afflictions to others. Others say, when telling one's afflictions, he must say that it should not come upon the listener.]


Rashi (from Eichah Rabah 1:40): An affliction like this will not come again upon all [R. Avigdor - Yisraelim] who transgress the creed.


Ibn Ezra #1: Some say that Lo is an expression of Alah 1 (a curse).


Ibn Ezra #2: This is a prayer that what happened to me should not happen to you 2 . R. Avigdor: - Keneses Yisrael says so to the nations who transgress the Torah's way.


Ri Kara: What happened to me due to my sin [should not happen to you].


Palgei Mayim: It seems that this is like it says in Ha'azinu - "Lu Chachmu Yavinu Zos Yavinu l'Acharisam; Eichah Yirdof Echad Elef... Im Lo Ki Tzuram Mecharam ..." (Devarim 32:29-30). When they see that the punishment is not natural, this proves that it is from Hashem. After requesting from Hashem, he turns to the nations and addresses those who transgress Derech Hashem and reject Hashem's ways. He says, the evils and afflictions that were done to me are not attributed to you. Do not say "our hand is elevated" (ibid. 27). Also refer to 1:12:4:2, 1:12:5:4.


Ibn Ezra: This is difficult. We do not find Alah without an Aleph [at the beginning]!


Palgei Mayim: This verse is astounding. Below, it says "v'Olal Lamo Ka'asher Olalta Li" (22)! (Refer to 1:12:2:1 and the note there - PF.) Also, Aleichem should be spelled with an Ayin! Refer to 1:12:1:6.


Why is "Lo" written with a Vov and Aleph?


R. Avigdor: It is an expression of ha'Levai 1 (I wish it will come on you), like "v'Olal Lamo Ka'asher Olalta Li" (22).


Perhaps the pronunciation requests that this not occur to Yisraelim. The Kesiv requests that it occur to Yisrael's enemies. (PF)


Why does it say "Kol Ovrei Derech"?


Sanhedrin 104b: Yerushalayim has been punished like Sedom, which was Over Al Das (transgressed the creed). It says about Sedom "va'Shem Himtir Al Sedom Gafris va'Esh." Regarding Yerushalayim it says "mi'Marom Sholach Esh."


Rashi: Refer to 1:12:1:2.


Ri Kara: This refers to all generations, like "ha'Lo She'eltem Ovrei Darech" (Iyov 21:29). No generation should be punished like that of Tzidkiyah. From when Yisrael left Egypt until Tzidkiyah, there was no generation that did not sin, like it says in Yirmeyah 7:25-26, and the Beis ha'Mikdash was not destroyed until Tzidkiyah. Tzidkiyah drank the dregs of all the generations (Seder Olam Rabah 28).


R. Avigdor: We never heard of someone eating his children.


Why does it say "Im Yesh Mach'ov k'Mach'ovi"?


Ibn Ezra: If you will tell me that there is a pain like mine, I will be consoled.


Palgei Mayim: If my affliction were natural, sometimes also one would chase 1,000 of other nations! Since such a pain is never found, this proves that "Tzuram Mecharam" (Devarim 32:30).


What is the meaning of "Olal Li"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: They hit me.


Rashi: It was done to me. Ibn Ezra - this is Kaved conjugation; the one who did so is not mentioned. Ri Kara - accept this tradition - wherever you find Olal without a Tov, like "v'Olal Lamo Ka'asher Olalta Li" (22), "Eini Olelah l'Nafshi mi'Kol Bnos Iri" (3:51), it is an expression of an action. If it has a Tov (Hispa'el), e.g. "Asher His'alati b'Mitzrayim" (Shemos 10:2), "va'Yis'alelu Vah" (Shoftim 19:25), it is an expression of jesting.


What is "Hogah"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He pushed and threw me.


Rashi: It is an expression of Yagon (He saddened).


Ri Kara: He broke.


Palgei Mayim: It is an expression of speech. Everything that happened to me, the Nevi'im warned that it would come. Surely it is from Hashem, and not attributed to you!


Why does it conclude "b'Yom Charon Apo"?


R. Avigdor: Had they repented, this would not have happened.

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