
Here it says that everyone sought food. In Melachim (II, 25:3) it says "va'Yechezak ha'Ra'av ba'Ir v'Lo Hayah Lechem la'Am ha'Aretz" implies that Chachamim had food!


R. Avigdor: That verse discusses Churban Rishon. Our verse discusses Churban Sheni.


Is it so astounding that people gave coveted things for food? We find this!


Ri Kara and R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 1:39: They gave them merely Lehashiv Nefesh, i.e. k'Grogeres 1 . They would give a box of gold [for this tiny amount of food]. In the end they received only straw [for gold], and they would cook it and drink the water.


The size of a fig (about a k'Zayis). Another opinion in the Midrash says k'Koseves (the size of a date). This amount settles the mind of one who was fasting (Sho'el u'Meshiv 4:2:203).


Why does it say "Re'e Hashem v'Habitah Ki Hayisi Zolelah"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Hashem, see my weakness and have mercy on me, for I already became lowly.


Ibn Ezra: Zolelah is [gluttonous], like "Zolel v'Sovei" (Devarim 21:20).


Ri Kara: The nations call me Zolelah (lowly). Palgei Mayim - You should be concerned for disgrace to Your name, which is joined in our name!

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