
What is the reason why Resha'im will not stand in judgment?


Rashi: This is connected to verse 6; it gives the reason (refer to 1:6:1:1).


Radak: It is because they go in an evil path. "Ba'Mishpat" is the day of judgment, i.e. the day of death. Their Nefesh will die with their body.


Malbim (4): "Al Ken" means Kedei (in order that they not stand in the congregation of Tzadikim and mix with them).


Does the verse distinguish Resha'im from Chata'im?


Radak: No. Neither will stand in judgment, and also not Letzim.


Malbim: Yes. Resha'im will not stand in judgment even by themselves. Chata'im sinned amidst desire; they are more lenient. They will stand in judgment by themselves, for they have an excuse - the nature of flesh leans towards desire - "Hen b'Avon Cholalti" (51:7). However, they will not stand in the congregation of Tzadikim when they are judged a refining judgment compared to Tzadikim. Then, they are liable, for they will be shown that these suppressed their Yetzer and overpowered their desire. (Also the Chata'im could have done so!)


Why does it say "Adas Tzadikim"?


Radak: After death, a Tzadik's Nefesh is with the Nefashos of other Tzadikim, and delights in the honor of Hashem in the supreme world.


Ba'al ha'Turim (51:15): It says "v'Chata'im ba'Adas Tzadikim", and "v'Chata'im Elecha Yashuivu" (51:15), to teach that if sinners repent, they will stand in Adas Tzadikim.

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