
Why must he call out again?


Malbim: Inform them that this Ge'ulah is not the true Ge'ulah (refer to 1:17:2:2).


What is the meaning of "Tefutzenah Arai mi'Tov"?


Radak: From the great good and serenity that they will have, they will spread out; the settled area will increase.


Malbim: [The residents of My cities] will be exiled again via the Romiyim and scattered among the nations. They will be dispersed from the good that they had during Bayis Sheni.


What do we learn from "v'Nicham Hashem Od Es Tziyon"?


Malbim: After the war against the Yevanim, who ceased Avodas Beis ha'Mikdash, which is attributed to Tziyon, Hashem will console Tziyon. After the final Galus via the Romans, who exiled the nation from Yerushalayim and it was desolate, He will choose it again in the future ? its children will return to it.

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