
Who are "ha'Sha'a'nanim"?


Rashi: Those that people say about them that they are serene. Radak ? this is like it says "Yosheves v'Shokates" (11).


Malbim: They are Madai and Paras. Even though I do not have Kin'ah against them, for they did not destroy the Mikdash, I have anger against them for ceasing Binyan ha'Mikdash.


What is the meaning of "Ani Katzafti Me'at v'Hemah Azru l'Ra'ah"?


Rashi: I had a little anger at My nation, and they helped (added to) the anger to do evil.


Radak: I had a little anger at Yisrael, to exile them from their land ? this is small compared to the evil that they did to Yisrael after they were exiled. They did too much evil to them. And so Yeshayah said "Katzafti Al Ami Chilalti Nachalasi va'Etenem b'Yadech Lo Samt Lahem Rachamim Al Zaken Hichbadt Ulech Me'od" (47:6).


Malbim: My anger at Yisrael now is small, for the time for their redemption arrived, and they helped for evil ? the afflicters of Yehudah and Binyamin, who strove to cease the building. Their words were accepted, and [the kingdom] commanded to cease building. Yisrael are still subjugated and plundered.

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