
What do we learn from "l'Chamas Yavo"?


Rashi: They come to plunder.


Radak: They come to do Chamas (theft).


Malbim: He does not come to get honor or to rule over conquered lands. If so, he would not destroy lands, and he would not return immediately to his land ? he would stay in each country that he conquered to conduct his kingship there! Rather, he intended only for theft.


What is "Megamas Pneihem Kadimah"?


Rashi: This is like "Hagmi'ini Na" (Bereishis 24:17), "Yegame Aretz" (Iyov 39:24) - he ran quickly a far distance in a short time, as if he swallowed and drank the land in front of him. Also here, the yearning of their faces is like Ru'ach ha'Kadim (the east wind), the harshest wind. Yonason translates like this.


Radak citing his father: This is like "Hagmi'ini Na." They will come with Azus Panim (audacity), as if the east wind, which is Azah (strong), hardened their faces.


Radak citing the Mefaresh, Targum Yonasan: Opposite their faces 1 .


Malbim: He intended only for theft, and not come to get honor or to rule over conquered lands. Therefore, his face's goal is to return immediately to his land (Bavel), to the east of the lands that he conquered.


Radak: This is difficult. When they came to Eretz Yisrael, they faced west, for Bavel is east of Eretz Yisrael!


What do we learn from "va'Ye'esof ka'Chol Shevi"?


Malbim: He does not let the nations dwell in their lands, rather, he takes them captive with him to his land.

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