
Why does it say "Tehor Einayim me'Re'os Ra"?


Rashi (12): In any case, why does he persist? You do not see evil!


Radak: You are good, and choose good people and despise Ra'im. It is not proper for You to see evil and look at sin. I.e. You should not bear evildoers and let them do evil. Here it says Ra, without the prefix Beis; in Yeshayah it says "v'Otzem Einav me'R'os b'Ra" (33:15); Mesores says so. The Ibn Ezra wrote b'Ra 1 ; his Sefer misled him.


Malbim: this is due to His Hashgachah and His righteousness. "Tehor Einayim me'Re'os Ra" corresponds to "Lamah Sabit Bogedim" ? due to the Rasha himself, it is improper that You oversee him to be make him succeed, for the eyes of Your Hashgachah are pure ? they do not see evil, nor oversee it for good.


Also Rashi (12) and Malbim imply that their texts say b'Ra. (PF)


Is there something that Hashem cannot do?!


Radak: You cannot bear something the opposite of Your Chochmah and good. So David said "Lo Yegurecha Ra" (Tehilim 5:5). I am astounded ? why do You see traitors ? the Kasdim, who do evil to Yisrael?!


Does Hashem look at Amal?


Rashi: No ? it is as if it says u'Lehabit El Amal (also this He does not do).


What do we learn from "b'Vala Rasha Tzadik Mimenu"?


Radak citing Brachos 7b: A Rasha cannot swallow (destroy) a perfect Tzadik - "Hashem Lo Ya'azvenu v'Yado" (Tehilim 37:33), but he can destroy someone more righteous than himself 1 . Rashi ? [Nebuchadnetzar] blinded the eyes of Tzidkiyah.


Radak: Even though Yisrael are Resha'im, they are more virtuous than Nebuchadnetzar and his nation. Why are You silent to let them swallow them?! Here, it says b'Vala with the prefix Beis. In Bamidbar (4:20), it says "k'Vala Es ha'Kodesh" with the prefix Kaf.


Malbim: This is against the Midah of Tzedek, for a Rasha to swallow someone more righteous than himself. This is Amal, and opposite straightness and Mishpat. How are You silent, and do not save?


Brachos 7b: Alternatively, a prospering Rasha can destroy even a perfect Tzadik.

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