
Why did he say "ha'Lo Atah mi'Kedem Hashem Elokai"?


Radak: How does he attribute strength to his god? He made it! Does he not realize that You, Hashem, are from the beginning? I recognize You, and so Your Am, Yisrael, recognize You. This is the opposite of Nebuchadnetzar, who attributes strength to his god and denies You!


Why did he say "Kadoshi Lo Namus"?


Rashi: This is a Tikun Soferim (it should say Tamus). The same applies to "v'Hifachtem Oso" (Mal'achi 1:13; it means Osi). There are many Tikunim 1 like this in Sifri Beha'alosecha 84. You were always my Kadosh ? do not let us die via him!


Radak: If You gave to him strength to destroy our land and exile us, do not give to him strength to kill us and eradicate us from being a nation!


Malbim: You want us to be Kedoshim and not cease from Your Torah. Even after people did not accept rebuke, we should not all die (like he kills everyone, Tzadik and Rasha, without distinction)!


Radak: There are 18 such Tikunim. Targum Yonasan is like this ? 'Your word endures forever.'


What is the meaning of "Hashem l'Mishpat Samto"?


Rashi: I know that You did not stand him up for this, rather, to judge those who rebel against You.


Malbim: The Navi prays - You raised this Rasha to be the staff of Your anger to afflict nations. You did not establish him so we should die! He is for Mishpat and rebuke, to return Resha'im in Teshuvah and punish sinners. He is not to kill all people without mercy, like he is doing!


Why does it add "v'Tzur Lehochi'ach Yesadto"?


Radak: The matter is repeated [in different words]. You are the rock of the entire world ? You raised him to rebuke nations of the land. You strengthened him like the foundation of a building.


Malbim: You sent him to rebuke. Via fear of him, people will accept rebuke and recognize Hashem's punishments and repent.

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