
What do we learn from "v'Hu ba'Melachim Yiskalas"?


Rashi: He will mock them. Kalasah is always speech about others ? for good or for bad. Radak ? this is like "Yiskalesu Vach" (Yechezkel 22:5). Hispa'el conjugation is used, because he constantly does so.


Malbim: Also the kings that he conquers or are submissive under him, he does not show honor to them, rather, he disgraces them.


What is the meaning of "[v'Rozenim] Mischak [Lo]"?


Rashi: This is like Schok (laughter). Its grammatical form is like Mishmar, Mistar.


Malbim: His officers of counsel are like a joke to him. He does not need counselors, nor kings to help him, and he does not fear fortified cities of he said enemies.


Why does he laugh at fortresses?


Rashi: If his enemy is in a strong fortified city, he laughs at it (for he will easily conquer it - PF).


Why does he pile up earth?


Rashi: He does so against a fortified city. Each of his many soldiers carries a load of earth, and makes a great mound in front of the wall. On it, they fight the city 1 . This is pouring Solelah ? the Targum is always Yitzbor Alah Milyasa. Milyasa 2 is like Milo that was in Ir David ? a tall mound on which they fight. A tower was built on its top, and it slopes to the sides. There is a low wall at its base, to hold the earth, lest it fall.


Radak #1: He gathered a nation and conquered it, i.e. the Mivtzar (fortified city) mentioned.


Radak #2: He gathered earth to fill in the cavities around the city wall.


Malbim: Therefore, he need not besiege it a long time


Radak: This is like 'Muliya b'Natza' (Mo'ed Katan 10b ? moving earth from a mound to a ditch).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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