What does this Sefer discuss?
Malbim: It has two parts. The first two chapters are called Masa Ninveh. Perek 3 is Sefer Chazon of Nachum.
When did Nachum prophesize?
Radak: The Sefer does not say.
Radak citing Seder Olam 20: Yo'el, Nachum and Chabakuk were in the days of Menasheh. Because Menasheh was improper, it does not say that their prophesies were in his days 1 .
Even though Menasheh repented, he caused Yehudah to sin, and was unable to fix this. This is why the Mishnah (Sanhedrin \ counts him among those who have no share in the world to come! (PF).
What is "Masa Ninveh"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is a Mashal for the cursed cup that [Hashem] will make Ninveh drink. Malbim ? it was destroyed twice. The Masa is about one Churban that was before the Navi or in his days; the Chazon is for the distant future ? Nebuchadnetzar totally destroyed it in his first year. Chazal did not discuss the first Churban, in the days of Sardanafal Melech Ashur 1 \h, but all early chronicles agree about it. Some say that he was Esar Chadon, who became king after his brothers killed their father Sancheriv (Melachim II, 19:37), i.e. [Ninveh fell] at the end of Chizkiyah's 2 reign or during Menasheh's. If so, according to Chazal (refer to 1:1:2:2), Nachum's Masa occurred in his days. However, chronicles imply that Sardanafal was much earlier. The Masa can be about what was in Nachum's days, or before 3 .
Malbim: Sardanafal was a lowlife ? a foolish, corrupt glutton and drunkard who pursued Zenus. Chief generals of nations under his rule conspired against him and gathered 400,000 men. He struck them, but he became drunk and the rebels struck his entire army. They besieged Ninveh for three years. Witches told him that they cannot conquer it until the river around it (Chidekel) converts to be his enemy. It overflowed and breached the city wall. He panicked, and burned all his wealth, concubines and himself. The enemy did not want to take spoils or harm the city residents, but the residents feared, fled and left the city desolate. The rebels destroyed all monuments of the king's honor, and erected a monument for his disgrace.
It seems that Sancheriv brought Ashur's entire army against Yerushalayim, and at most 14 survived. Chizkiyah reigned only 15 years after this. How could the lowly Sardanafal return Ashur to be powerful in such a short time?! Perhaps this is why below (13, 2:1), Malbim says only 'in the days of Menasheh.' (PF)
Malbim (Bi'ur ha'Milos): Masa is a kind of Nevu'ah in Meshalim and metaphors. It can be about what already was.
What is "Chazon Nachum"?
Rashi: Chazon has a Kamatz 1 [under the Ches], for it is not Samuch to Nachum. It is unlike "Chazon Yeshayah" (1:1). A Sefer of the vision was already written ? Yonah's Nevu'ah! Nachum returned to prophesize about it. Targum Yonasan says, earlier, Yonah prophesized about, and it repented from its liability. It returned to sin, and Nachum from Beis Elkosh prophesized about it.
Radak: This Nevu'ah was about Ninveh. It was of Melech Ashur ? "Min ha'Aretz ha'Hi Yatza Ashur va'Yiven Es Ninveh" (Bereishis 10:11). Melech Ashur did evil to Yisrael and exiled them from their land. Hashem took vengeance for them via Nebuchadnetzar, who destroyed Malchus Ashur. Chazal said (Megilah 11b) that in Nebuchadnetzar's first year he conquered Ninveh, and in his second year he conquered Yehoyakim.
Radak: It has a Chataf Patach. Minchas Shai - all Seforim are like Radak. Abarvenel - Rashi's text is correct.
What is "ha'Elkoshi"?
Rashi: He was from the city Elkosh.
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: He was from Beis (the family of) Elkosh.