What did the midwives mean when they told Pharaoh that the Ivriyos were "Chayos"?
Rashi #1 and Targum Yonasan: They simply meant that the Jewish women were agile; and by the time they arrived, the babies were already born. 1
Rashi #2: They meant that the Bnei Yisrael were compared to Chayos, 2 who do not need midwives. 3
Seforno: They are themselves experts in midwifery, in which case they will know the moment we do something untoward, and will never call us again.
Targum Yonasan: After raising their eyes Heavenwards, Hashem answers their prayers.
Rashi: To a lion-whelp, to a wolf that tears its prey, to a gazelle that is sent... (Bereishis 49).
Oznayim la'Torah: What Rashi means is that the Jewish women are agile (refer to 1:19:1:1) and do not need midwives for the actual birth, but of course they need midwives for the things that need to be done after the birth - refer to 1:17:1.1:2.
How did the midwives' claim justify sustaining the babies?
Rashi writes: "'Ki Chayos Henah' - ... But Chazal interpret, they are compared to the beasts of the field...." Why do Chazal depart from the literal meaning (i.e. that they are skilled as midwives)?
Gur Aryeh: Even if a woman giving birth is herself a skilled midwife, does she not require another midwife to assist her?!
Rashi writes: "... They are compared to the beasts of the field...."What does this mean conceptually?
Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 15, p. 74): Animals move more swiftly than man; this is due to their light Chomer (material composition). 1 Am Yisrael also is only slightly material (for they are primarily spiritual). Thus, the Jewish women give birth quickly; unencumbered by the dense material aspect (Chomer).
Maharal frequently uses the terminology 'Chomer' and 'Tzurah'; refer to 1:1:2.9:1*, and 1:1:2.8:1*. He explains that Chomer is what causes sluggishness. Compare to Mesilas Yesharim (Ch. 6) - A person's nature is to be slow; dense earthly physicality is what holds us back from the trait of Zerizus. (EK)