
What is the meaning of "Ka'asher Shesisim Al Har Kodshi"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Like you rejoiced at the striking of My holy mountain.


Radak: You made a drinking party and joy over the Churban of My holy mountain. So you will drink the cup of punishments - you and all the nations!


Malbim: This is based on the metaphor in Yirmeyah (25:15) "take this cup of wine of anger... and make all the nations drink" and "the nations that were not sentenced to drink the cup, they drank; you [Edom] will not be cleansed, and you will drink. Here it says that just like you drank on My holy mountain, for there the Navi made you drink the cup of punishments - so all the nations will drink constantly.


What is the meaning of "v'La'u"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is an expression of bewilderment and confusion.


Radak: They will swallow. This is like "Yala Kodesh" (Mishlei 20:25).


Why does it say that they will drink constantly?


Radak: It will be without interruption, until the evil among them who harmed Yisrael are eradicated. Malbim: Yes. They will drink and be cleansed. Edom will drink and will not be cleansed!


Malbim: Many Churbanos will come on them for a long duration of time, until at the end of days they will drink, and their existence will cease.


How will it be as if they are not?


Radak: They will be finished off, until their place will not be recognized, as if they were not.


Malbim: Their existence will totally cease.

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