
What is the meaning of "Al Tavo v'Sha'ar Ami"? And why is "Al Tere" repeated? Verse 12 says so!


Malbim: Now it discusses Churban Sheni. This was worse than the first; Edom themselves helped to destroy it. When strangers (Romiyim) entered the gates, you should not have entered with the destroyers. And if you entered, you should not have seen [Yisrael's] evil to mention their evil and prosecute!


Why does it say "Gam Atah"?


Radak: Do not see like the others. They are strangers, and you are a brother!


What is the meaning of "Al Tishlachnah"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: Do not send your hand [to plunder] their property. Rashi - the verse is abbreviated; one must add the word 'your hand.'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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