
Why does it say "Al Tere"?


Rashi: You should not have stood opposite. (Rather, you should have helped Yisrael!)


Radak: You should not have seen the day of affliction of your brother. Malbim - due to the Bris of brothers, you should have refrained from seeing.


What is "b'Yom Nochro"?


Rashi: The day they handed them over to the enemy, i.e. the Bavliyim. And so it says in Shmuel I, 23:7 "Nikar Oso Elokim b'Yadi" - He handed him over to me.


Radak: This explains that "b'Yom Achicha" is "b'Yom Nochro." Nochro means that he was estranged from his land and became like a Nochri, for they took him out of [his land].


Why does it say "v'Al Tagdel Picha"?


Radak: Do not aggrandize your mouth to speak in jest or other matters. Also Yonason translates 'because you spoke many great (haughty) matters.'


Malbim: [You should not have rejoiced, and all the more so] not verbalized your Simchah to speak mockery and disgrace. This refers to Churban Rishon, in which they verbally enlarged the Churban - "ha'Omrim Aru Aru Ad ha'Yesod Bah" (Tehilim 137:7).

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