
Why does the Sefer begin with "Divrei"?


Radak (here and Yirmeyah 1:1, citing Chazal When a Navi begins with "Divrei", they are his own words. Three Nevi'im, their prophecies were rebuke, therefore they are attributed to themselves. I.e. they spoke about themselves, like what Amatzyah Kohen Beis Kel told Amos, and what he answered him (7:12-17). The same applies to Yirmeyah ("b'Terem Etzarcha va'Beten Yedaticha" (1:5) and evils that people did to him) and Koheles ("Ani Koheles Hayisi Melech" - 1:12).


What do we learn from "Asher Hayah va'Nokedim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: He had many flocks. This is like "u'Mesha Melech Mo'av Hayah Noked" (Melachim II, 3:4). Radak ? a shepherd, or one who engages with flocks, is called Noked, because most animals have black or white dots ? "Nakod v'Talu" (Bereishis 30:32). It says "va'Nokedim", and not Noked, because the greatest of the Nokedim was in Tako'a, and Teko'a was the greatest city in the portion of Asher.


Malbim: The Rambam (Moreh ha'Nevuchim 2:32) gave a foundation that Nevu'ah can come only on one who is prepared for it not either natural preparation based on the blend of his body, brain and power of Dimyon (envisioning), or via learning Chachmos and good Midos 1 . Mahari said that this is based on the philosopher, who said that prophecy is a natural matter that man attains only after the proper preparations. This is unlike our Torah! It is not natural. Preparation is not needed, for it is miraculous. Man cannot receive from the Divine in a natural way. Amos was a shepherd, in Nokedim ? he served by shepherds and did not learn Chachmah. He did not have honor or wealth, and even so he prophesized 2 !


Malbim: Mahari asked that we do not find Nevu'ah among the other nations, and not in Yisrael after the Churban, even though surely there were people prepared for this. I answer that the Rambam did not say that everyone prepared must have Nevu'ah! Even if he is prepared, Nevu'ah is a miracle, just the miracle is smaller when he is prepared. Similarly, when Hashem sends a Brachah that the land will produce for three years, it is a smaller miracle than when Elisha said that the small amount of oil on the flask will fill all the Kelim.


Malbim: I distinguish prophecy for the Navi's need and perfection, from a Shali'ach for the sake of the Klal. For the latter, Hashem can give Nevu'ah to one who is not prepared for it. This is like creation of Yesh (something) from Ayin (nothing); Hashem does so only for a great need. All Hashem's miracles were Yesh from Yesh, via switching forms. Hashem puts Ru'ach ha'Kodesh only on one worthy of it, just like He gives Chachmah only to one who has Chachmah (Koheles Rabah 1:5). However, when Hashem needs to send a Navi to the generation, and He does not find someone prepared for this from nature ? from birth and conception, or via his preparation, He picks one close to Him due to his virtue, and the miracle is greater. So was Amos' Nevu'ah.


What do we learn from "bi'Ymei Uziyah Melech Yehudah uvi'Ymei Yaravam"?


Radak: I explained at the beginning of the Sefer 1 that Yaravam and Uziyah reigned at the same time. Hoshe'a lived longer ? also in the days of Yosam, Achaz and Chizkiyah Malchei Yehudah.


Malbim: I explained in Hoshe'a that then Uziyah was subservient to Yaravam Melech Yisrael, and the Malchus was called on the name of Yisrael ? therefore, it mentions Yaravam.


I.e. Trei Asar ? Hoshe'a 1:1. There he brought from Seder Olam (19) that Yaravam and Uziyah began to reign together.


Why does it say "Asher Chazah Al Yisrael"?


Radak: Most of his Nevu'ah was for Yisrael and Shomron. He mentions Yehudah only a little.


Radak citing Vayikra Rabah 10:2: When Hashem said "Es Mi Eshlach u'Mi Yelech Lanu", and Yeshayah said "Hineni Shelacheni" (Yeshayah 6:8), Hashem said 'I sent Michah, and they hit him on the jaw ? "ba'Shevet Yaku Al ha'Lechi Es Shofet Yisrael" (Michah 4:14). I sent Amos 1 , and they called him Pesilus - they said, Hashem should not have put His Shechinah on this one whose speech is maimed 2 . He was called Amos because he was Amos in his tongue (stuttered).


Malbim: Hashem sent four Nevi'im at the same time, He wanted that two Nevi'im will prophesize especially for the 10 tribes ? Hoshe'a and Amos, and two for Yehudah ? Yeshayah and Michah. The former were from the 10 tribes ? Hoshe'a was from Reuven, and Amos was from Teko'a, in Asher. He did not find anyone more prepared than him. After He needed to send him, He added Brachah and Kadosh influence on the small preparation that He found in him; He poured His Ru'ach on him.


Also Moshe was "Chevad Peh u'Chevad Lashon" (Shemos 4:10)! This supports Rashbam, who explains that Moshe did not have a speech defect, just he did not speak Egyptian fluently. (PF)


Why does it say "Shenasayim Lifnei ha'Ra'ash"?


Rashi, Radak: This refers to when Uziyah was stricken with Tzara'as for entering the Heichal to burn Ketores] ? the day that Yeshayah prophesized (6:4) "va'Yanu'u Amos ha'Sipim", and it says "Ka'asher Nastem Mipenei ha'Ra'ash bi'Ymei Uziyah" (Zecharyah 14:5). It mentions this, because he prophesized about the Ra'ash before it came ? "v'Hikeisi Beis ha'Choref Al Beis ha'Kayitz" (below, 3:15).


Malbim: His city was Teko'a ? there were no Bnei Nevi'im there, and no Navi to affirm that he is a Navi. Even so, he became established to be a Navi Emes via predicting the Ra'ash. He also predicted that rain would be withheld at that time ? "v'Avlu Ne'os ha'Ro'im" (2). When these came two years later, all Yisrael knew that he is a Navi Emes.

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