
What is the significance of a storm wind from the north?


Rashi: This is the chariot of the Kisei ha'Kavod of the Shechinah. Since it came with anger to destroy Yisrael, it appeared like a storm wind and a cloud. It was returning from Eretz Kasdim, which is north of Eretz Yisrael - "mi'Tzafon Tipasach ha'Ra'ah" (Yirmeyah 1:14). It went there to conquer the entire world under Nebuchadnetzar, lest the nations say that He handed his children over to a lowly nation - "Zeh ha'Am Lo Hayah" (Yeshayah 23:13) (Chagigah 13b).


Malbim: The north is not the beginning of coming from Eretz Yisrael, which is south of Bavel! Rather, He was already with the Golah in Tel Aviv 1 , north of the Kevar river. Now He was going south, to return from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael, with intent to destroy Tziyon and burn His Heichal. Also refer to 1:4:3:2.


This has no connection to the city in Eretz Yisrael called Tel Aviv. (PF)


What is "Esh Mislakachas"?


Radak: Fire was Mislakachas in the cloud. This is like "v'Esh Mislakachas 1 b'Soch ha'Barad" (Shemos 9:24).


Hadar Zekenim (9:24), from Pesikta: It is a mixture (like water and oil mixed, and fire exudes from them). Targum Yonason (ibid.) - it jumps. Ba'al ha'Turim (ibid.) - sparks and light come out, like here.


Why does it say "v'Nogah Lo Saviv"?


Rashi: It shined around the cloud, from the outside, to hint that in the future, Yisrael will be redeemed from there.


Malbim: The storm wind, cloud and fire all show destruction. However, he saw Nogah around the fire; it receives light, illuminates and does not burn. This is Midas ha'Chesed, which influences amidst darkness to illuminate the night. Amidst Nogah he perceived Chashmal - the Machaneh of Shechinah, which is amidst fire. I.e. the burning [of the Mikdash] will not be via the Ma'arachah, rather, via Hashem alone. With Him is mercy to illuminates the darkness and save those who cling to Kedushah. Also Eliyahu, who saw the Merkavah in Chutz la'Aretz, saw a great wind, noise [from the cloud], and fire. However, the Shechinah was only in the soft voice, i.e. Chashmal. These are the four shells that surround a nut; three are hard and bitter, and one is soft and clings to the fruit. Good and evil are mixed in it. This is the Dakah that Eliyahu saw. Also Yeshayah said "me'Im Hashem Tzevakos Tipaked b'Ra'am uv'Ra'ash v'Kol Gadol Sufah u'Se'arah v'Lahav Esh Ochelah" (29:6) - the evil in the three 'elements' wind, water and fire.


What is "[umi'Tochah k'Ein] Chashmal"?


Rashi #1 (from Chagigah 13a-b): It is the name of an angel. He saw like its color amidst the fire. Chazal said, a boy was expounding Ma'ase Merkavah. He understood Chashmal. A fire came out from Chashmal and ate him. The word is a compound of CHAyos ESH MemaLelos (angels of fire speak). When speech comes out of Hashem's mouth, Chashos (they are quiet). When speech does not come out of His mouth, MemaLelos (they speak), i.e. they praise Him.


Rashi #2: Perhaps Chashmal is the name of the color close to fire's color. Here it says "k'Ein Chashmal mi'Toch ha'Esh", and it says "k'Ein Chashmal k'Mar'eh Esh Beis Lah Saviv mi'Mar'eh Masnav ul'Ma'alah" (27).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Amidst the cloud, amidst the storm wind, like Chashmal amidst fire.


Malbim: Chashmal is a soft voice, between Chash (silence) and Mal (speech).

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