
What is the meaning of "v'Ish El Ever Panav Yelechu"?


Malbim: This explains that they do not go according to their choice.


What is the significance of the Ru'ach?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: It is desire to go.


Malbim: It is a supreme Ru'ach that influences on them. Just like Ru'ach ha'Chayah is on the Ofanim (20), so Ru'ach of the Maker is on the Chayos.


It already said "Lo Yisabu v'Lechtan" (9). Why is this repeated?


Malbim: There it teaches that the wings need not turn to the direction in which they want to go, unlike a bird, must turn its wings to the direction in which it wants to go. That is when they fly, and lift the Ma'arachah above natural order. Their wings face to any miracle that Hashem will command, to do it without delay. Here it discusses the face; it need not turn it when it goes on the ground, i.e. it moves the Ofanim according to the Ma'arachah. It is based on the Ru'ach of their Maker, in any side needed. They do not turn from the supreme desire; their faces face in every direction, and they do their Maker's will with fear.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Each of the kingdoms has a special face to go in the land in any direction, according to Hashem's will. They do not veer, whether they go at a time of Shalom, or fly at a time of war, to agitate kingdoms and cancel the order of conduct. Their mission is covered - "Lev Melech b'Yad Hashem" (Mishlei 21:1). He arranges their steps towards a hidden purpose that the supreme Ru'ach desires. He agitates a land from its place, and switches the throne of kingship.

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