
From when are the 30 years counted?


Rashi (1-2): The Navi did not mention his name 1 , nor from when the years are counted. The two verses after this interrupt his words, to teach his name and the year 2 ; it was five years after Galus Yehoyachin (2). The 30 years are counted from Yovel, which was when Chilkiyah Kohen Gadol found the Sefer Torah 3 at the start of Yoshiyah's 18th year (Seder Olam) 4 . He reigned another 14 years, and Yehoyakim reigned 11. Yehoyachin ruled in the 25th year for only three months, and he was exiled. There is another source that he was exiled 25 years after Yovel. In the 25th year after Galus Yehoyachin, "b'Rosh Hashanah b'Asor la'Chodesh" (40:1). When is Rosh Hashanah on the 10th of the month? It is Yom Kipur of Yovel 5 (Erchin 12a).


Radak It says "Ani" before giving his name. Also elsewhere, the pronoun precedes the noun - "va'Tir'ehu Es ha'Yeled" (Shemos 2:6).


Rashi: We must say so, for it repeats that it was on the fifth of the month. Also refer to 1:3:3:1.


Malbim: The Sefer was rolled to "Yolech Hashem Osecha v'Es Malkecha?" (Devarim 28:36). It made a great impression. Then Chuldah ha'Nevi'ah had a Nevu'ah that the Bayis will be destroyed.


Radak: Also Targum Yonasan says so. Yechezkel had a vision of the honor leaving Yerushalayim 30 years after the Sefer was found, and the king tore his garments upon hearing that evil and Galus will come to Yisrael when they transgress the Sefer. The vision of returning from Galus in the days of Mashi'ach and building the city and Mikdash was on Yom Kipur of Yovel, when slaves go free. This shows that Hashem will pardon Yisrael's sin and not mention it again.


There are 50 years between one Yovel and the next. R. Yehudah, who says that there are 49 years in between (Nedarim 61a), can say that partial years are counted as full years. (PF).


What is the significance of the fourth month?


Radak: This is Tamuz - the Churban began in Tamuz, for this is when the city was breached.


Where is "b'Soch ha'Golah"?


Rashi: It is outside Eretz Yisrael. Malbim - Chutz la'Aretz is not prepared for Nevu'ah, and the time (Galus) is not prepared. Shamayim opened by itself, and he saw "Mar'os Elokim" without preparation.


Radak: In this vision Yechezkel saw himself in Bavel, where he was, for a Siman of the Galus, which will be in Bavel 1 . In the vision of returning from Galus, he saw himself in Eretz Yisrael, a sign of the return.


Only 1,000 were exiled to Bavel with Yehoyachin five years earlier. The rest will be exiled to Bavel later, with Tzidkiyah. (PF)


What are "Mar'os Elokim"?


Rashi: Because he did not see through an illuminating glass, he calls them Mar'os Elokim - like a dream, and not true vision. The same applies to all Nevi'im other than Moshe - "uv'Yad ha'Nevi'im Adameh" (Hoshe'a 12:11).


Radak: They are great, wondrous visions. Putting a matter next to Kel aggrandizes it, e.g. "Ir Gedolah lEi'lokim" (Yonah 3:3), "k'Harerei Kel" (Tehilim 36:7), "Shalhevesyah" (Shir ha'Shirim 8:6).

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