
Why does it mention an ox and a donkey?


Rashi #1: Man arranges an ox to plow 1 during the day; via this, it recognizes its owner. A donkey does not recognize its owner until he feeds it.


Rashi #2: An ox knows its master; it fears him, and does not deviate from what I decreed on it, to say 'I will not plow today.' A donkey does not tell its owner 'I will not bear a load today.' These were created to serve you, and not to receive reward if they merit, or be punished if they sin, and they did not change their Midos that I decreed on them. Yisrael, that if they merit, they receive reward, and if they sin, they are punished


I.e. he puts a yoke on it. (PF)


Why does it say "Yisrael" and "Ami"?


Rashi: They were not wise to know [their master] like an ox, when I called them "Yisrael Yihyeh Shemecha" (Bereishis 35:10) and informed them some of my Chukim. They abandoned Me - "Ish Gilulav


Perhaps he refers to "Ami v'Nachalasi" (Yo'el 4:2). Seder Olam says that Yo'el was in the days of Menasheh; according to Rashi (refer to 1:1:3:1), we can say that this Nevu'ah was after Yo'el's. (PF)


Why does it say "Lo Yada"?


Rashi: They did not want to know. They knew, and treated Me with contempt. My nation did not put to heart to contemplate.


Radak: Even animals recognize the one who benefits them. Yisrael, My nation that I acquired from Beis Avadim, did not know that I benefited them, and gave to them a land to inherit, and I expelled nations from in front of them. If they recognized, they would not have abandoned Me and served idolatry in place of Me. They did not contemplate that when they guard My Torah they have good, and when they abandon it they have evil.

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