
What is the meaning of "Cherev Te'ukelu"?


Radak: The sword will consume you. It is as if it says b'Cherev; the prefix Beis is omitted. This is like "ha'Nimtza Veis Hashem" (Melachim II, 12:11), "Ki Sheshes Yamim" (Shemos 31:17) and similar verses.


Why does it say "Ki Pi Hashem Diber"?


Rashi: He said "v'Heiveisi Aleichem Cherev" (Vayikra 26:25).


Radak: Since He said, He will fulfill His word. Malbim - every one of His words will be fulfilled. Why do you not fear judgment, and repent 1 ?!


Malbim: A person refrains from something either because it is hard for him, or he does not know its benefit and the loss from not doing it. Hashem taught that Teshuvah is not hard - "Lo Nifleis Hi Mimecha" (Devarim 30:11). If you do not do it, the sword [will consume you]; doing it will bring happiness and good!

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