
Why does it say "Lo Sosifu"?


Radak: If you did so until now, do not do so from now and onwards!


Malbim: You trample My Chatzeros against My desire. Do not additionally bring Minchas Shav against My will!


What is "Minchas Shav"?


Radak: You bring a Minchah in front of Me, and your hearts are not to Me.


Malbim: It is Korban Chagigah and Re'iyah, which I do not desire at all 1 .


Perhaps he means that even these, which are not for sin, He does not desire. (PF)


Why does it say "Ketores To'evah"?


Rashi: The smoke that comes up from your Minchah is an abomination to Me, and not Nachas Ru'ach.


Malbim: This is like one who comes to the king's palace against his will, and increases sin and fills his house with smoke.


What is "Chodesh v'Shabbos Kero Mikra"?


Rashi: You gather to call a meeting on Rosh Chodesh and Shabbos.


Radak: You gather in My house to be Mekadesh Rosh Chodesh or Mo'ed, which is Yom Shabboson.


Malbim: A fourth kind of Korbanos are Musafim that the Tzibur brings on Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh and Mo'adim. Their purpose relates to the matter of the day. These Kodesh days were chosen, so people will turn from worldly follies and sanctify themselves for Avodas Hashem. Special Korbanos were given for these days, that the Tzibur will gather to the Beis ha'Mikdash to oversee the Korbanos and assemble in front of Him in Tefilah and abandoning worldly matters 1 .


Malbim citing Pesachim 68b: It says "Atzeres la'Shem Elokecha" (Devarim 16:8), and it says "Atzeres Tihyeh Lachem" (Bamidbar 29:35). Divide the day into two - the first half is to gather in front of Hashem, and the second half is for a feast and Simchah. However, also Oneg and Simchah must be with Kedushah, only l'Shem Hashem.


What is the meaning of "Lo Uchal"?


Rashi: I cannot bear the sin in your hearts. How do you assemble in front of Me without expelling the sin from your hearts?!


Radak: I cannot bear that you gather in My house to be Mekadesh Chodesh or Mo'ed, and there is sin in your hearts.


Malbim: Also the first half of the day (refer to 1:13:4:3*), in which you gather in front of Me in the Mikdash, I cannot bear it, for your hearts are full of sin. The assembly contradicts the intent in the heart!

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