
Why did they suggest specifically a Besulah? Why couldn't one of his wives warm him?


Rashi (2, 4): Her Besulim warm her flesh. She warms more than a Be'ulah.


Malbim: Perhaps he would be aroused to have Bi'ah with her, and this would weaken him. 1


This is unlike Sanhedrin 107a, which says that even when David was sick, he fulfilled Onah of all 18 of his wives and concubines; Sanhedrin 22a says that David did not marry Avishag for he could not marry a 19th wife; he did not want to divorce one of his wives, for divorce is terrible! Perhaps Malbim holds like the Yerushalmi (Sanhedrin 2:3), that David did not have Bi'ah with his concubines after Avshalom raped them. It is surely unlike Sanhedrin 107a. It seems that it is unlike also Sanhedrin 22a. Is it so bad to divorce a woman with whom he will never be intimate?! (PF)


Why will she stand in front of him?


Malbim: She will serve him.


What is the meaning of "Sochenes"?


Rashi: She warms. This is like "Boke'a Etzim Yisachen Bam" (Koheles 10:9).


Targum Yonasan: Kereivah (close).


Radak: Some say that she stores up, like "Lech Ba El ha'Sochen" (Yeshayah 22:15). 1


Radak: She will be useful, i.e. to warm him - "v'Shachvah v'Cheikecha v'Cham l'Adoni ha'Melech." This is like "Ki Somar Mah Yiskan Lach Mah O'il", "Ho'il b'Davar Lo Yiskon", Hoche'ach b'Davar Lo Yiskon u'Milim Lo Yo'il Bam" (Iyov 35:3, 15:3).


Radak: There is no reason to explain like this. Malbim - this will enable David to separate from his wives. She alone will serve him!


Why did they switch from third person (she will stand in front of the king) to second person (she will lie in your bosom)?


Malbim: They will publicize that they seek a girl to stand in front of him. It would be crude to publicize that she will lie in his bosom, but in truth, she will do so to warm him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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