
Was Bas Sheva critical of David for letting Adoniyahu reign?


Malbim: No. She was sure that David had no part in it, for he swore to her! She describes how great is the sin of Adoniyahu, who is like a Ben Sorer u'Moreh in front of his father.


Why did she mention that he swore in Hashem's name, and that he swore to her?


Malbim: A Shevu'ah with Hashem's name is severe; it cannot be permitted. Also one who swears to his friend, can permit it only in front of his friend.


Why did she say "Benech"?


Malbim: He will reign because he is my son, amidst your love for me. I am proper that a Shevet of rulers come from me. And even more so according to Chazal, that she agreed to marry him on this condition!


When did David swear to her?


Radak (Shmuel II, 12:24): It was after her first baby died. She refused to be intimate with David until he swore to her (refer to Shmuel II, 12:24:2:2).


Abarvenel (Shmuel II, 15:1): It was when Avshalom was banished for killing Amnon. She insisted that Avshalom did so to inherit kingship. Since David will not let his oldest surviving son receive kingship, she coaxed him to give it to Shlomo. David agreed, for the Navi said that a son who will be born will succeed David; Adoniyahu and his other sons were already born.


Malbim: Bas Sheva agreed to marry him only after he swore to her.

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