How will we reconcile the current Pasuk with the Pasuk in 2:5, which implies that the vegetation did not grow until the sixth day of the Creation?
Rashi: Refer to 2:5:1:1 .
Bearing in mind that Hashem did not write "le'Miyno" in connection with the vegetation,why does the Torah insert the word "le'Miyneihu" in the current Pasuk?
Rashi: Because when the vegetation heard Hashem saying "le'Miyno" regarding the trees, they made a Kal va'Chomer that if the trees, which basically grow individually, were commanded to produce fruit 'le'Miyno', how much more so it - the vegetation, which grows collectively. 1
Chulin 60a: And when the 'Sar ha'Olam' (a Mal'ach) saw how the vegetation strove to fulfil the wishes of Hashem even though they had not been commanded, it declared "Yehi Chevod Hashem l'Olam, Yismach Hashem b'Ma'asav" (Tehilim 104:31).
Seeing as the trees grew with the fruit already ripe (See 1:11:4 ), why does the Torah write "ve'Eitz Oseh P'ri"?
Rosh Hashanah 11a: That is written with reference to future generations but to that one. 1
Yerushalmi Ta'anis, 4:3: To incorporate non-fruit-bearing trees, which also produced fruit at the time of the creation.
See also Torah Temimah, note 44.
How can the Torah say "v'Etz Oseh Peri"? Some trees are barren!
Riva: It does not say 'Kol Etz,' rather, "Etz."
Rashi writes: "The grasses heard that the trees had been commanded [to perpetuate only in kind], and they made a Kal va'Chomer." But how could they have 'heard'? At the time of that command (1:11), the grass had not yet been created?
Gur Aryeh #1: Every herb has a Mazal above, and it was the Mazal that heard Hashem's command and inferred a Kal va'Chomer. 1
Gur Aryeh #2: Rashi does not mean literally 'hearing,' but rather 'accepting' the decree of Hashem. The decree to the trees was relevant to the grasses as well (due to the Kal va'Chomer), and they accepted it.
See Bereishis Rabah (10:6); and Megilah 3a.