THE DISTANCE BETWEEN VINE ROWS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 4 Halachah 6 Daf 22b)
îùðä äðåèò ùúé ùåøåú àí àéï áéðéäï ùîåðä àîåú ìà éáéà æøò ìùí. äéå ùìù àí àéï áéï ùåøä ìçáéøúä ùù òùøä àîä [ãó îá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ìà éáéà æøò ìùí.
(Mishnah): One who plants two rows - if there are less than 8 Amos between them, he should not plant there another seed. If there were 3 rows, if there are less than 16 Amos between one row and the next, he should not plant there another seed.
øáé ìéòæø [áï éò÷á] àåîø îùåí çððéä áï çëéðàé àôéìå çøáä äàîöòéú åàéï áéï ùåøä ìçáéøúä ùù òùøä àîä ìà éáéà æøò ìùí ùàéìå îúçéìä ðèòï äéä îåúø áùîåðä àîåú.
(R. Eliezer ben Yaakov citing Chananya ben Chachinai): Even if the middle row is removed and there are less than 16 Amos between the outer rows, he should not plant there another seed - although originally, if he would have only planted those two rows, he would have been permitted to plant between them if they would have been eight Amos apart.
äðåèò àú ëøîå ùù òùøä òì ùù òùøä àîä îåúø ìäáéà æøò ìùí.
One who planted his vineyard the size of 16 by 16 Amos, he may bring in another seed (if it's planted 6 Tefachim away).
àîø øáé éäåãä îòùä áöìîéï áàçã ùðèò àú ëøîå ùù òùøä òì ùù òùøä àîä äéä äåôê ñòø ùúé ùåøåú ìöã àçã åæåøò àú äðéø åáùðä äàçøú äéä äåôê àú äñòø ìî÷åí äæøò åæåøò àú äáåø åáà îòùä ìôðé çëîéí åäúéøå.
(R. Yehuda): It once happened in Tzalmin that someone planted such a vineyard and he turned the tips of the branches of two rows towards each other and sowed the empty space. The following year, he turned the tips the opposite way and sowed in the empty space. The case came before the Chachamim and they permitted it.
ø' ùîòåï åøáé îàéø àåîøé' àó äðåèò àú ëøîå òì ùîåðä àîåú îåúø:
(R. Shimon and R. Meir): Even if he planted his vineyard on 8 Amos, it is permitted.
âîøà àîø øáé æòéøà ùîåðä çåõ îî÷åí ëøúéï. [ãó îâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ëîä ãúéîø ùîåðä çåõ îî÷åí ëøúéï åãëååúä àøáò çåõ îî÷åí ëøúéï.
(Gemara) (R. Zeira): (When the Mishnah said that if there are less than 8 Amos between them) it's 8 Amos aside from the area of the vine itself. The same applies to the required 4 Amah distance in order to plant seeds near a vineyard.
àîø øáé ìòæø äçîéøå úåëå éåúø îçåöä ìå.
(R. Elazar): They were more stringent (in the required distance in order to plant seeds) inside it (between the rows) than outside it.
àîø ø' æòéøà òã ãàðà úîï ÷ééîðúä úåëå (ùîåðä)[ùù òùøä] çåöä ìå [ãó ëâ òîåã à] (ùù òùøä)[àøáò].
(R. Zeira): When I was still in Bavel, I also fulfilled this, as the distance for a Kirachas HaKerem (which is inside a vineyard) is 16 Amos and outside of the vineyard is a distance of only 4 Amos.
àîø øáé ìòæø îàøáò àîåú åòã ùîåðä àñåø åî÷ãù. îùîåðä åòã ùù òùøä àñåø åàéðå î÷ãù.
(R. Elazar): If the rows were distanced between four and eight Amos apart, planting seeds there is forbidden and it prohibits (both the seeds and the vines that grew). If they were between eight and 16 Amos, it's forbidden but it does not prohibit.
øáé éåñé áùí øáé éåçðï àúéà ãøáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á ëáéú ùîàé. ëîä ãáéú ùîàé àîøå ùåøä àçú ëøí. ëï øáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á àîø ùåøä àçú ëøí.
(R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan): R. Eliezer ben Yaakov (of our Mishnah) follows Beis Shammai - who said that one row is a vineyard.
îä ðôùê ëøí âãåì äåà àñåø áùîðä ëøí ÷èï äåà àñåø áùîðä.
Question: If so, when R. Eliezer ben Yaakov concluded by saying that 'originally, if he would have only planted those two rows, he would have been permitted to plant between them if they would have been eight Amos apart' - but whether it is a large (3 row) vineyard or a small (2 row) vineyard, since a 4 Amah distance in required, the entire 8 Amah space between the rows should be prohibited, since all of it is within 4 Amos of a row?
[ãó îâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ø' éåãï ìà àîø ëï àìà ùîåðä àîåú àñåø. ùîåðä àîåú åëì ùäåà îåúø.
(R. Yudan): In fact, R. Eliezer ben Yaakov would not allow in those 8 Amos, but if the space is slightly more than 8 Amos, it would be permitted in the middle.
àéú ãáòé îéîø ùàéìå îúçéìä ðèòå îèò ùù òùøä òì ùù òùøä äéä îåúø áùîåðä àîåú.
Some explain that R. Eliezer ben Yaakov's latter statement meant that if he originally planted two rows with less than 16 Amos by 16 Amos between them, it would be permitted to plant in almost 8 Amos between them.
ø' éäåãä áï ôæé áùí øáé éåçðï àúéà ãøáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á ëáéú ùîàé ëîä ãáéú ùîàé îçîéøéï áå áçåøáðå éåúø îîèòúå ëï øáé ìéòæø áï éò÷á îçîéø áçåøáðå éåúø îîèòúå:
(R. Yehuda ben Pazi citing R. Yochanan): R. Eliezer ben Yaakov follows Beis Shammai - just as Beis Shammai are more stringent when the vineyard was cleared, than at the time of its original planting; so R. Eliezer ben Yaakov is more stringent when the vineyard was cleared, than at the time of its original planting.
ø' éåðä áùí øá îåúø äæøò åàñåø ìæøåò.
(R. Yona citing Rav): (The end of the Mishnah taught that R. Shimon and R. Meir say that even if he planted his vineyard on 8 Amos, it is permitted.) The seeds are permitted but planting is prohibited.
ø' éåñé áùí øá äìëúà îåúø [äæøò åîåúø] ìæøåò.
(R. Yosi citing Rav): The Halacha is that both are permitted.
øá çééà áø àùé áùí øá äìëä ëø' îàéø åø' ùîòåï.
(R. Chiya bar Ashi citing Rav): The Halacha follows R. Meir and R. Shimon.
îä îåúø äæøò åîåúø ìæøåò àå îåúø äæøò åàñåø ìæøåò.
Question: Did he mean to agree with R. Yosi that both are permitted or to say that the seed is permitted but planting is prohibited?
îï îä ãàîø øáé áà îùç ìé øáé çééà áø àùé ëøîé îèò ùîåðä òì ùîåðä äãà àîø' îåúø äæøò åîåúø ìæøåò.
Answer: Due to the teaching of R. Ba, R. Chiya bar Ashi measured for me my vineyard and distanced the rows 8 by 8 Amos. This shows that the seeds are permitted and planting is permitted.
øá äåðà æøò ëøîéä ëøúéï.
Rav Huna planted leeks in his vineyard.
åàéðå àñåø îùåí ëìàéí.
Question: Wasn't that prohibited?
îòøááï äåééï.
Answer: The vines were planted randomly like single vines (rather than in rows).
åàéï òáåãä ìâôï éçéãéú.
Question: Doesn't a single vine receive a work access area around it?
[ãó îã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àìà ëøáé éùîòàì ãøáé éùîòàì àîø àéï òáåãä ìâôï éçéãéú.
Answer: He followed the opinion of R. Yishmael who doesn't require that a single vine have an access area.
ãáøé çëîéí.
Question: But Chachamim (who are the majority opinion) do require it?
øáé éò÷á áø àéãé áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé äìëä ëãáøé îé ùäåà îé÷ì áçåöä ìàøõ.
Answer (R. Yaakov bar Idi citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): The Halacha in Chutz LaAretz follows the lenient opinion.
àîø øáé éò÷á áø àçà åúðéé úîï äìëä ëãáøé îé ùäåà îé÷ì áçåöä ìàøõ:
(R. Yaakov bar Acha): I learned in Bavel that the Halacha in Chutz LaAretz follows the lenient opinion.