1) TOSFOS DH veha'Shekel Esrim Gerah

úåñôåú ã"ä åäù÷ì òùøéí âøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Targum.)

úéîä ãòùøéí åàøáòä äåå ãâøä äééðå îòä ëãëúéá (åé÷øà ëæ) òùøéí âøä åîúøâîéðï òùøéï îòéï å÷ééîà ìï ñìò ã' ãéðøéï åùù îòä ëñó ãéðø äøé ë''ã

(a) Question: It is 24, for Gerah is Ma'ah, like it says "Esrim Gerah", and the Targum is Esrim Ma'in, and we hold that a Sela is four Dinarim, and six Ma'ah of silver is a Dinar. Behold, [a Shekel] is 24 [Gerah]!

åúéøõ ø''ú ãôòîéí äåñéôå àçã áéîé éçæ÷àì ùäåñéôå òì îðä ùì ÷åãù ìáãå ùäéä ùì ð' ñìòéí åòùàåäå ùì ùùéí

(b) Answer #1 (R. Tam): They added [to the measures] twice. Once was in the days of Yechezkel. They added to the Maneh of Kodesh alone. It was 50 Sela'im, and they made it 60;

åùåá áéîé çëîéí äåñéôå òì äñìò ùäéä ùì òùøéí âøä åòùàåäå ùì ë''ã åîîéìà ðúåñó äîðä áéï ùì çåì áéï ùì ÷åãù

1. And later in the days of Chachamim, they added to the Sela. It was 20 Gerah, and they made it 24, and automatically the Maneh changed, both of Chulin and of Kodesh.

åòåã éù ìåîø ùìà äéä àìà úåñôú àçã ùäåñéôå áéîé éçæ÷àì åìòåìí îðä ùì çåì ùì ë''ä ñìòéí åùì ÷åãù ùì ð' ñìòéí àìà ùäåñéôå òì äñìò ùúåú åòùàåäå ùì ë''ã îòåú åðúåñó ááú àçú îðä ùì ÷åãù åùì çåì

(c) Answer #2: There was only one addition, which they added in the days of Yechezkel. And really, the Maneh of Chol is 25 Sela'im, and that of Kodesh is 30, but they increased the Sela by a sixth, and made it 24 Ma'os. The Maneh of Kodesh and Chol increased with it;

åùùéí ù÷ìéí ã÷à çùéá ÷øà áîðä ùì ÷åãù áù÷ìéí äøàùåðéí àééøé åàúà ÷øà ìîéîø ùäåñéôå òì äîðä [ö"ì òã - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ùðëðñå áå îàåúï ù÷ìéí äøàùåðéí ëå'

1. The 60 Shekalim that the verse calculates are a Maneh Kodesh with the first Shekalim. The verse comes to teach that they increased the Maneh, until it contained of the first Shekalim...

(åä''ô ã÷øà) [ö"ì åäëé ÷àîø ÷øà - öàï ÷ãùéí] åäù÷ì ùäéä îúçéìä òùøéí âøä îàåúï ù÷ìéí ë' åë''ä åè''å äîðä ùì ÷åãù éäéä ìëí

2. The verse says as follows. The Kelim, which was initially 20 Gerah, of those Shekalim, 20, 25 and 15 (i.e. 60) will be the Maneh Kodesh for you.

åîä ùçì÷í äëúåá òùøéí ù÷ìéí çîùä åòùøéí ù÷ìéí òùøä åçîùä ù÷ì åìà ëúá ùùéí ù÷ìéí äîðä éäéä ìëí

(d) Implied question: Why did the Torah divide it - 20 Shekalim, 25 Shekalim, and 15 Shekalim, and did not write "60 Shekalim the Maneh will be for you"?

àåîø øáéðå úí ìôé ùäéå ìäí ùìùä îù÷ìåú àçú ùì ùìéù îðä ùì ÷åãù àçø ùðúåñó åàçú ùì îðä ùì çåì åàçú ùì øáéò îðä ùì ÷åãù åùìùúï îçæé÷åú îðä ùì ÷åãù

(e) Answer (R. Tam): It is because they had three weights - one of a third of a Maneh of Kodesh after it increased, one of a Maneh of Chol, and one of a quarter Maneh of Kodesh;

åëï îåëéç äúøâåí ãîúøâîéðï ñéìòà òùøéï îòéï úìúåú îðééà òùøéï ñìòéï îðé ëñôà òùøéï åçîù ñìòéï øáòåú îðééà çîù òùøä ñéìòéï ëåìäåï ùéúéï (îðééà ãäëà éäé) [ö"ì îðéï øáà ã÷åãùà éäà - öàï ÷ãùéí] ìëåï

(f) Proof: The Targum proves like this. It says "Sela is, 20 Ma'in. A third of a Maneh [Kodesh] is 20 Sela'im. A Maneh of Chol is 25 Sela'im. A quarter Maneh [Kodesh] is 15 Sela'im. All of them are 60; so will be the big Maneh Kodesh for you.

åìôé' áúøà àéï îúééùá ëì ëê ãúìúåú îðééà åøáòåú îðééà îééøé áîðä ùì ÷åãù àçø ùðéúåñó åàéìå îðä ëñôà òùøéï åçîù ñìòéí ãàééøé áîðä ùì çåì ìàå áùì çåì àçø ùðéúåñó ÷àîø àìà áîðä äøàùåï ùì çåì

(g) Question: The last Perush is not so good, for a third of a Maneh and a quarter Maneh discuss a Maneh Kodesh, after it was increased, and Maneh Kaspa 25 Sela'im discusses a Chol Maneh - it is not a Chol Maneh after it was increased, rather, the original Chol Maneh!

åîéäå á÷åðèøñ ôéøù ëï áôéøåù éçæ÷àì:

(h) Remark: However, Rashi explained so in his Perush on Yechezkel.


2) TOSFOS DH v'Hikriv Mimenu Min ha'Mechubar

úåñôåú ã"ä åä÷øéá îîðå îï äîçåáø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what is considered connected.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ùéäéå ëåìï áëìé àçã ëùéèåì äúøåîä

(a) Explanation #1 (Rashi): All of them are in one Kli when he takes Terumah.

åðøàä ãàéï öøéê àìà îå÷ó áòìîà ëîå îîðå ãëúéá âáé úøåîä (áîãáø éç)

(b) Explanation #2: It seems that it only needs to be Mukaf (nearby), like Mimenu written regarding Terumah.

åáä÷åîõ øáä (ìòéì ëã.) îùîò ëôéøåù ä÷åðè' ããøùéðï âáé îðçä åäøéí îîðå á÷åîöå îï äîçåáø ùìà éáéà òùøåï áùðé ëìéí åé÷îåõ

(c) Support (for Explanation #1): Above (24a) it connotes like Rashi. We expound regarding a Minchah "v'Herim Mimenu b'Kumtzo" - from what is connected. He may not bring an Isaron in two Kelim and take Kemitzah.

åîéäå äúí ðîé áòé ðâéòä ëãàéúà áääéà ùîòúà âåôä ãàôé' áëìé àçã àé ìà ðâò îéáòéà ìï äúí áòùøåï ùçì÷å ááéñà îäå ì÷îåõ îæä òì æä öéøåó ãàåøééúà àå ãøáðï

(d) Observation: However, there we require also touching, like it says in that Sugya itself, that even in one Kli, if it did not touch, we ask there about an Isaron divided in a Bisa - may one take Kemitzah from this [part] on this. Is Tziruf mid'Oraisa or mid'Rabanan?

3) TOSFOS DH v'Al Yochichu Bikurim she'Yesh Achereihem Terumah

úåñôåú ã"ä åàì éåëéçå áëåøéí ùéù àçøéäí úøåîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that likewise we cannot learn from Terumah Gedolah.)

åîäàé èòîà ðîé ìéëà ìîéìó îúøåîä âãåìä

(a) Observation: From this reason, also from Terumah Gedolah we cannot learn.

4) TOSFOS DH Mai Mechubar Ika

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé îçåáø àéëà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that he asks why a verse is needed.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãñ''ã ãäàé ãôøéê ãáúçéìä äéä îðúç äáùø åàçø ëê ðåèì äàéîåøéí

(a) Explanation #1 (Rashi): The one who asked thought that first he dissects the meat, and afterwards he removes the Eimurim.

å÷ùä ãàëúé éëåì ìä÷éó àå áëìé àçã ëãôéøù ìòéì á÷åðèøñ

(b) Question: Still, he can bring them close, or in one Kli, like Rashi explained above!

åðøàä ìôøù ãôøéê ìîä ìé ÷øà ãôùéèà ãîçåáø äåà:

(c) Explanation #2: He asks why a verse is needed. Obviously, it is attached!