If a hole was put in a planter while a vegetable was growing inside it, how much of the vegetable must be Maaser’ed?
- Only the original part.
- Only the new part.
- The entire vegetable.
- None of it.
- Teiku – the matter remains unresolved.
Why isn't there a proof from the case of replanted onions (Litra D’Batzel) to the case of the replanted grain stalk?
- Ein Gufo Kallah.
- The onion case is how onions are normally replanted.
- Ma'aser of vegetables (onions) is only Rabbinic, so a proof can't be brought for Ma'aser of grain, which is De’oraisa.
- It is not the Derech to eat raw onions.
- The wheat case is called “one planting,” unlike the onion case.
Are Orez and Dochan obligated in Challah?
- No; a Hekesh is learned from Lechem Oni (Matzah) to Challah, and Matzah must be made from something that can become Chametz.
- Yes; the satiate a person like breads made from wheat and barley.
- Only when it is baked into something that is eaten as part of a Seudas Keva.
- Yes; a Hekesh is learned from Tumas Ochlin that these are treated like regular bread.
- No; a Hekesh is learned from Matzah, and the Jews did not eat Orez and Dochen in Mitzrayim.
In which scenarios are grains, flours, and doughs considered to join together in our Gemara?
- Chametz on Pesach.
- Challah.
- To create a Perutah’s value to obligate theft repayment.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A, B, and C.
In which areas are the Five Grains unique, in exclusion to Orez and Dochan?
- The obligation of Challah.
- Tum'as Ochlin.
- Harvesting it before the Omer.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A and C.