Quiz on מנחות מה

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  1. Why is the Pasuk forbidding a Kohen from Neveilah and Treifah necessary?
    1.   It makes them violate two Issurim. (Laavor Alav B’Shnei Laavin.)
    2.   The Pasuk compares Treifah to Neveilah, teaching us that a Treifah is Metamei.
    3.   We would have thought that these Issurim do not apply to them because they eat a bird to which Melikah was done.
    4.   This tells the Kohanim that it is their job to exhort the B'nei Yisrael about these Mitzvos.
    5.   This tells us that a Kohen who eats Neveilah or Treifah may not do the Avodah.