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1. If a person slaughters a grasshopper for an Avodah Zarah, there is a disagreement about whether he is Chayav.
2. Rav rules that if a person breaks a stick in front of an Avodah Zarah, the stick is forbidden and the person is Chayav.
3. Rav rules that if a person throws a stick in front of an Avodah Zarah, the stick is permitted but the person is Chayav.
4. When a person throws a rock at a Markolis, it is regarded as if he is bringing a sacrifice to the previously thrown rocks. At the same time, he is making the Avodah Zarah bigger.
5. If a cluster of grapes, stalks of grains, wine, oil, or flour is found on top of a Markolis, it is forbidden.
6 A Nochri may not bring a Korban which is missing a limb.
7. Noach was commanded to bring into the Teivah only animals which were not Tereifos, and which were capable of reproducing.
8. If a person slaughters an animal to a Markolis, he is Chayav.
9. If a person was Makdish an animal before the Mishkan was erected, at a time when bringing a Korban on a Bamah was permitted, and subsequently the Mishkan was erected, he may not bring the Korban on a Bamah.
10. If money, garments, or utensils that are not decorative are found next to an Avodah Zarah, they are permitted.
11. Anything found within the curtain around an Avodah Zarah is forbidden, even water or salt.
12. One is permitted to benefit from the garden or bathhouse of an Avodah Zarah if no money is given to the priests of the Avodah Zarah.
13. If a garden or a bathhouse is owned jointly by the Avodah Zarah and by others, there is a disagreement about whether money may be given to the priests.
14. Rebbi Yishmael and Rebbi Akiva disagree about whether an Avodah Zarah becomes forbidden immediately, or only after it is worshipped.


1. According to the Tana who maintains that he is Chayav, although the Shechitah of a grasshopper is not the same as the Shechitah of an animal, since it is a similar act to Shechitah and it is the practice worship this Avodah Zarah with a grasshopper, he is Chayav. Alternatively, this Tana maintains that the Shechitah of a grasshopper is the same as the Shechitah of an animal, and he is Chayav even though it is not the practice to worship this Avodah Zarah with a grasshopper.
2. The act of breaking the stick is similar to Shechitah. Since the Avodah Zarah is worshipped with a stick even though it is not the practice to break the stick, he is Chayav.
3. The stick is permitted, because throwing a stick is not similar to sprinkling blood on the Mizbe'ach, since the stick does not break into small pieces. The person is Chayav for throwing the stick, but only if it is the practice to worship this particular Avodah Zarah with the throwing of a stick.
4. Rav Nachman maintains that according to the opinion that an Avodah Zarah of a Nochri is not forbidden until it is worshipped, the last rock which was thrown remains permitted (even though it is not likely to be located among all of the rocks). According to Rav Ashi, each rock that is thrown is regarded as a sacrifice to itself and the other rocks. Therefore, even the last rock is forbidden.
5. We assume that this produce was brought as a sacrifice to the Avodah Zarah. Throwing grapes is not similar to sprinkling blood which breaks into pieces. However, when the grapes are harvested and broken off from the vines, the act is similar to Shechitah and the grapes are forbidden.
6. Even a Nochri is forbidden from offering an animal which is missing a limb upon an altar. Therefore, it is not a Shechitah which is similar to the Shechitah in the Beis ha'Mikdash.
7. Hashem instructed to Noach to bring animals which shared his characteristics. Just as Noach was not a Tereifah, so he was obligated to bring animals which were not Tereifos.
8. A Markolis is not usually worshipped with the slaughter of animals. Nevertheless, since it is an Avodah in the Beis ha'Mikdash, he is Chayav.
9. However, if he does bring the Korban on a Bamah, he is not Chayav Kares. The Chiyuv Kares applies only to bringing a Korban on a Bamah when the Korban was consecrated after the Mishkan was erected.
10. If the money is in a purse hanging from the neck of the Avodah Zarah, or the garment is folded up on its head, or the utensil is a washing cup placed on its head, it is not decorating the Avodah Zarah and it is permitted.
11. Since it was found within the curtain, even if it is not decorative it is forbidden. Water or salt which is thrown in front of the Avodah Zarah is forbidden, because the act is similar to sprinkling blood on the Mizbe'ach.
12. It is permitted, because something that is designated for an Avodah Zarah is not forbidden if it is not offered as a sacrifice. Although one may not give money to the priests, one may give money to the worshippers.
13. However, everyone agrees that money may be given to the worshippers even if the bathhouse belongs completely to the Avodah Zarah.
14. According to Rebbi Yishmael, the Avodah Zarah of a Nochri becomes forbidden only after it is worshipped. The Avodah Zarah of a Yisrael becomes forbidden immediately. Rebbi Akiva maintains that the opposite is true.

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