brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. All types of garments must be washed in the Azarah, if the blood of a Chatas splatters on them. 2. According to Rebbi Yehudah, if a garment is not primed for susceptibility to Tum'ah, it is not necessary to wash it from the blood of a Chatas. According to Rebbi Elazar, even if it is not actually susceptible to Tum'ah (even though it has been primed), it is not necessary to wash it. 3. If a garment is made with intent to sew designs on it, or a leather mat for sitting is with intent to trim it, it is not susceptible to Tum'ah until it is completed, or until the owner changes his intent. 4. If a garment becomes soiled, one is permitted to wipe it off with a rag on Shabbos, but one may not place water on the stain. 5. There is a disagreement about whether hard leather may be washed on Shabbos. 6. Everyone agrees that soft leather may not be washed on Shabbos. 7. Rav says that if one throws flaxseed into water on Shabbos, he is Chayav a Chatas. 8. According to the Rabanan, if the blood of a Chatas is brought into the Heichal, it becomes Pasul. Rebbi Akiva maintains that even if the blood of other types of Kodshim is brought into the Heichal, it becomes Pasul. 9. If blood of a Chatas splatters on a garment, and the garment is then taken out of the Azarah, it must be brought back inside in order to wash it. 10. If Kodshim is cooked in an earthenware or metal vessel and then the vessel is taken out of the Azarah, it must be brought back inside in order to break it or rinse it. 11. If a garment becomes Tamei, and the majority of the garment is then torn, and the size of a kerchief remains which has not been torn, it is Tamei mid'Rabanan.
1. If the blood of a Chatas splatters on sackcloth, or on a hide which was flayed from an animal and is ready for use, or on any other type of garment, it must be washed in the Azarah. 2. According to Rebbi Yehudah, if the garment is lacking only Machshavah to make it susceptible to Tum'ah, it must be washed off from the blood of a Chatas, even if it is not yet susceptible to Tum'ah. According to Rebbi Elazar, if the garment is not yet susceptible to Tum'ah, even though it is lacking only Machshavah, it is not necessary to wash it off. 3. Once a utensil becomes susceptible to Tum'ah, its status can be changed only with an action, not with a mere Machshavah. In contrast, to make a utensil susceptible to Tum'ah, a Machshavah suffices. 4. Even if the water was poured on the stain without being rubbed in, it is forbidden on Shabbos. 5. According to the Rabanan, hard leather may be washed on Shabbos. According to Acherim, it may not be washed on Shabbos. 6. However, one is permitted to merely splash water on soft leather without rubbing it in. 7. The flaxseed tends to stick together when it is thrown into water, and therefore the act is a Toldah of the Melachah of Lishah. 8. However, everyone agrees that if the blood is taken out of the Azarah, it becomes Pasul. 9. If the garment became Tamei, it cannot be brought back into the Azarah. Therefore, it must be torn in order to purify it from Tum'ah, and then it may be brought back into the Azarah in order to fulfill the Mitzvah of washing it. 10. If the vessel became Tamei and it cannot be brought back into the Azarah, it must be punctured, if it is earthenware, in order to purify it from Tum'ah, and then brought back inside in order to break it. If it is made of metal, a large perforation must be made in order to purify it, and then it must be brought back inside the Azarah to be rinsed inside and outside with water. 11. However, mid'Oraisa, once the majority is torn it becomes Tahor from its Tum'ah. Therefore, when a garment on which the blood of a Chatas splattered was taken out of the Azarah, the majority of the garment must be torn, leaving the size of a kerchief intact, so that it will still be considered a garment. Since it is Tahor Min ha'Torah it may be brought back into the Azarah in order to do the Mitzvah of washing it.
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