brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. If a Minchas Nesachim, which was brought as a Nedavah without a Korban, became Pasul, but nevertheless was placed on the Mizbe'ach, it may not be removed, according to the Tana'im of the Mishnah. 2. If Nesachim, which was brought without a Korban, became Pasul, but nevertheless was placed on the Mizbe'ach, it may not be removed, according to Raban Gamliel and Rebbi Shimon in the Mishnah. 3. A person may bring his Nesachim the night after he brings his Korban, or even the next day. 4. Rebbi Yehudah says that a Korban which was slaughtered at night, or its blood spilled, or its blood was taken out of the Azarah, even if the Korban was placed on the Mizbe'ach it must be removed. Rebbi Shimon disagrees. 5. A Korban which was a Rove'a, Nirva, designated for an Avodah Zarah, worshipped as an Avodah Zarah, given as an Esnan to a Zonah, exchanged for a dog, or was Kil'ayim, a Tereifah, or a Yotzei Dofen, must be removed if it was placed on the Mizbe'ach. 6. According to the Tana Kama, if a Ba'al Mum was placed on the Mizbe'ach, it must be removed. Rebbi Akiva disagrees. 7. If one slaughtered a Korban in the Azarah at night and subsequently brought it outside the Azarah, he is Chayav Kares, even according to Rebbi Yehudah.
1. If a Minchas Nesachim, which was brought along with a Korban, becomes Pasul, but nevertheless was placed on the Mizbe'ach, it may not be removed, according to Raban Gamliel and Rebbi Yehoshua in the Mishnah. 2. However, if the Nesachim brought along with a Korban becomes Pasul and is placed on the Mizbe'ach, only according to Raban Gamliel may it not be removed. 3. Even if the Nesachim was brought on a day other than the day on which the Korban was brought, if it became Pasul and was placed on the Mizbe'ach, it must be removed, according to Rebbi Shimon, since it was brought only because of the Korban. 4. According to all opinions, the following may not be removed if placed on the Mizbe'ach: a Korban which became Pasul because the blood or Eimurim were left overnight, taken out of the Azarah, or became Tamei; a Korban slaughtered with a Machshavah of Chutz li'Zemano or Chutz li'Mekomo; a Korban whose blood was received by Pesulim; a Korban whose blood was place on the wrong Mizbe'ach or on the wrong part of the Mizbe'ach; a Korban Pesach or Chatas that was slaughtered she'Lo Lishmah. 5. Since it was Pasul before it was brought into the Azarah, even if it was placed on the Mizbe'ach it must be removed. 6. Rebbi Akiva disagrees only if the Korban had a Mum in the eye, since such a Mum does not disqualify a bird from the Mizbe'ach. Therefore, even though an animal is disqualified with such a Mum, if it is placed on the Mizbe'ach it is not removed. 7. According to Rebbi Yehudah, if a Korban is slaughtered at night and then placed on the Mizbe'ach, it must be removed. Nevertheless, one is obligated for subsequently bringing it outside the Azarah, because it is not more Pasul than an animal slaughtered outside the Azarah (Shechutei Chutz), for which one is Chayav Kares for offering it outside the Azarah.
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