brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
A person whose Bris Milah was not completed may not eat Terumah, Pesach, or Kodshim. (1) Rebbi Meir: Ma'aser Rishon is forbidden to non-Kohanim. An Onen is prohibited from eating Ma'aser Sheni, but he may eat Terumah and he may sprinkle the ashes of the Parah Adumah. A Tevul Yom may not eat Terumah, but he may eat Ma'aser Sheni and he may sprinkle the ashes of the Parah Adumah. A Mechusar Kipurim is prohibited to sprinkle the ashes of the Parah Adumah, but he may eat Terumah and Ma'aser Sheni. (2) Rebbi Akiva: An Arel has the same status as a Tamei, and he is forbidden to sprinkle the ashes of the Parah Adumah. Rebbi Yitzchak: An Arel is forbidden to eat Ma'aser Sheni. The Nosar of the Korban Pesach may not be burned until Chol ha'Mo'ed. If Ma'aser Sheni becomes Tamei, it is permitted to use it as smearing oil. Terumah that has become Tamei may be used as firewood. A Bas Kohen who is divorced from a non-Kohen without children may eat Terumah, but not the Chazeh and Shok from Kodshim. A Chalalah may not eat Terumah. A Zav who had two emissions and a Metzora Musgar do not have to bring a Korban. A Tevul Yom is permitted to eat Ma'aser Sheni. A Mechusar Kipurim is prohibited from eating Kodshim but he may eat Terumah. A Mechusar Kipurim is referred to in the verse as a Tamei. A Giyores and a freed maidservant become Tamei at childbirth, just like a Bas Yisrael.
1. Pesach is mentioned separately from Kodshim because the Isur for an Arel to eat Kodshim is mentioned in the Torah only with regard to the Korban Pesach. 2. This is in accordance with Rebbi Akiva. The Tana Kama of Rebbi Yosef ha'Bavli maintains that a Mechusar Kipurim is permitted to sprinkle the ashes of the Parah Adumah.
A BAS KOHEN WHO IS NOT REGARDED AS A DESCENDANT OF AHARON The Gemara says that all descendants of Aharon, without exception, are permitted to eat Terumah. Although a Chalalah may not eat Terumah, she is not regarded as a descendant of Aharon. The Rashba asks that a Bas Kohen who had relations with a Pasul also may not eat Terumah, even though she is a descendant of Aharon. The Rashba answers that once a woman has relations with a Pasul, she is included in the term "Chalalah" and is no longer regarded as a descendant of Aharon. Even though the term "Chalalah" normally refers to a person who is born from Pesulei Kehunah, in this case it refers to anyone who has become Pasul from the Dinim of Kehunah.
A BAS KOHEN WHO RETURNS TO HER FATHER'S HOUSE A Bas Kohen who marries a non-Kohen is prohibited forever from eating the Chazeh and Shok of Kodshim, even if her husband divorces her or dies. However, she does go back to eating Terumah once her husband divorces her or dies, as long as she does not have a child from him. (Rambam, Hilchos Terumos 6:7-8)
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