brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. A Yotzei Dofen is Pasul from use as a Korban. If it is the firstborn, it does not have Kedushas Bechorah. 2. A bird is valid for use as a Korban even if it has a Mum. 3. Only an animal which a Yisrael may eat may be offered on the Mizbe'ach. 4. If a non-Kohen or any Kohen who is Pasul performed the Kemitzah of a Minchah, it is Pasul. 5. If a Kohen performs the Kemitzah of a Minchah while he is seated, standing on vessels, on the feet of his colleague, or on the feet of an animal, it is Pasul. 6. If a Kohen performs the Kemitzah with his left hand, it is Pasul. Ben Beseirah says that he must do the Kemitzah a second time with his right hand. 7. Rebbi Shimon says that a Minchas Chotei should require Shemen and Levonah, and a Chatas should require Nesachim, so that the sinner not benefit. Nevertheless, the Torah does not require those things, so that the sinner's Korban will not be Mehudar. 8. If a non-Kohen slaughters a Parah Adumah, it is Pasul. 9. If the Eimurim of a Korban became Pasul with Yotzei and were placed on the Mizbe'ach, they may not be removed. 10. There is a disagreement about whether Ben Beseirah would require the Kemitzah to be done again by a valid Kohen, when a Kohen Pasul did the Kemitzah and subsequently placed it in a Kli Shares.
1. A Yotzei Dofen is not considered a Peter Rechem. Therefore, it does not have Kedushas Bechorah. 2. However, a bird that is missing a limb may not be brought as a Korban. 3. A Gezeiras ha’Kasuv is needed to prohibit a Tereifah from being offered as a Korban. Without the Gezeiras ha'Kasuv, one would have thought that an animal which became a Tereifah after it was sanctified may be offered as a Korban. 4. The Kemitzah of a Minchah may not be done by an Onen, Tevul Yov, Mechusar Kipurim, a Kohen who is not wearing all four Bigdei Kehunah, a Kohen who did not wash his hands and feet from the Kiyor, an uncircumcised Kohen, or a Kohen Tamei. 5. A Kohen must standing while he performs the Avodah, and there may be no Chatzitzah between his feet and the floor of the Azarah. 6. If any Kohen who is Pasul does the Kemitzah, it must be done again by a valid Kohen, according to Ben Beseirah. 7. However, the Mishnah which states that if a Kohen Pasul does the Kemitzah of a Minchas Chotei, it is Pasul, is in accordance even with the view of Rebbi Shimon. 8. A non-Kohen may slaughter a Korban which is Kodshei Mizbe'ach. However, a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv states that a non-Kohen may not slaughter a Parah Adumah, even though it is only Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis. 9. Any Korban which become Pasul in the Azarah and was placed on the Mizbe'ach may not be removed. 10. Ben Beseirah maintains that a Kemitzah which was done by a Pasul Kohen may be done again. However, if it was already placed in a Kli Shares, according to Rebbi Yosi ben Yosi ben Yasyan and Rebbi Yehudah ha'Nachtom, the Kometz may not be done again and the Minchah is Pasul.
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