brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. A vessel combines its contents for Kodesh. If two halves of an Isaron of a Minchah are in separate places in a utensil. and a Tevul Yom touches one half, the other half becomes Tamei as well. 2. If another piece of an Isaron is placed in a vessel which contains two halves of an Isaron of a Minchah, and a Tevul Yom touches the third piece of Isaron, the other two halves remain Tahor. 3. If a Tevul Yom inserts his hand into the air space of a utensil of Kodesh without coming into contact with its contents, it is Tahor. 4. A Kohen may not take the Kemitzah from a Minchah which is in two separate vessels. 5. Two halves of an Isaron of a Minchah are in separate places in one vessel. A Tevul Yom touches one half. The other half-Isaron is connected via a stream of water to a third piece of Isaron, which is outside the utensil. There is a doubt about whether the third piece is Tamei as well. 6. One half of an Isaron of a Minchah became Tamei, and then both halves of the Isaron were placed in separate places in one vessel. A Tevul Yom touched the half of an Isaron which was Tamei. There is a doubt about whether the other half becomes Tamei as well. 7. If a Zav lies on a sheet, making it Tamei Midras, and then the sheet is hung up as a curtain, it is Tahor from Tum'as Midras but is Tamei Maga Midras, according to the Tana Kama. 8. Rebbi Yosi says that the sheet is not Tamei Maga Midras. If a Zav comes into contact with the sheet, it becomes Tamei Maga ha'Zav. 9. If two sheets are spread one on top of the other and a Zav lies on top of them, both become Tamei Midras. The bottom sheet also becomes Tamei Maga Midras, even according to Rebbi Yosi. 10. An Isaron is designated for a Minchah. One half is lost and another half is designated in its place. Subsequently, the lost half is found. All three parts are then placed in separate places in one vessel. If a Tevul Yom touches the original half which was not lost, all three pieces become Tamei. If he touches one of the other two pieces, only two of the halves (the original half that did not become lost, and the replacement part) become Tamei, according to Rava. Abaye disagrees. 11. An Isaron is designated for a Minchah. One half of an Isaron is lost, another half is designated in its place, and then the lost half is found. If the Kohen takes the Kometz from the half-Isaron which was lost, or from the half which was designated as its replacement, the remnant of that half and the original half which was not lost may be eaten by the Kohanim. The other piece may not be eaten, according to Rava. Abaye disagrees.
1. An item which comes into contact with a Tevul Yom does not become a Rishon or a Sheni. Therefore, the half-Isaron which came into contact with the Tevul Yom is not Metamei the vessel or the other half-Isaron. Nevertheless, both halves of the Isaron are Tamei since the vessel combines them into one. 2. The utensil combines only the halves which will be used for the Minchah. Since only the first two halves will be used for the Minchah, the third piece of Isaron does not combine with them in the utensil. 3. Only an earthenware utensil (which is not used for Kodesh) becomes Tamei from its airspace. 4. If the Isaron is in one vessel but the two halves of the Isaron are separated, since there is a doubt about whether, Min ha'Torah, a vessel combines its contents for Kodesh, the Kohen may take the Kemitzah from one of the two halves. 5. If a Tevul Yom touches the third part of an Isaron outside the utensil which is connected via a stream of water to a half-Isaron inside the utensil, there is a doubt about whether the other half-Isaron inside the utensil becomes Tamei as well. 6. It is possible that the vessel combines the two halves, and when one half comes into contact with a Tevul Yom, the other half becomes Tamei as well. It is also possible that since the half-Isaron which came into contact with the Tevul Yom was already Tamei, the Tevul Yom adds no Tum'ah at all and thus the other half-Isaron remains Tahor. 7. Midras is an Av ha'Tum'ah and is Metamei people and utensils. However, only an object which is designated for sitting and lying on can become Tamei Midras. When the sheet is hung up as a curtain, it no longer is Tamei Midras. Rather, it assumes the lesser Tum'ah of Maga Midras, which is the Tum'ah of an item which came into contact with a Tumas Midras, and it is Metamei only foods and liquids. 8. According to Rebbi Yosi, after the sheet is hung up as a curtain, it becomes Tamei only if it is touched by a Zav prior to (or at the same time as) becoming Tamei Midras. If it comes into contact with a Zav after it becomes Tamei Midras, there is a doubt about whether the contact with the Zav has any effect, since it was already Tamei with the more stringent Tum'ah of Midras. 9. The bottom sheet is also Tamei Maga Midras because it is in contact with the upper sheet which is Tamei Midras. Therefore, if the bottom sheet is hung up as a curtain, even though it is no longer Tamei Midras, it will be Tamei Maga Midras, even according to Rebbi Yosi. 10. According to Rava, if a Tevul Yom touches the half which was lost or the half which was designated as a replacement, only that half -- along with the original half which was not lost -- becomes Tamei, while the other piece remains Tahor. The vessel combines only the halves which were meant to be brought together for the Minchah. The lost half was not intended to be brought together with the half which was designated as its replacement. Therefore, they do not combine with each other. 11. However, if the Kohen takes the Kometz from the original half which was not lost, only the remnants of that half may be eaten. The other two halves may not be eaten even according to Rava, because only one of those two halves were meant to be part of the Minchah. Since we do not know which one is the replacement, neither of them may be eaten.
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