brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
ZEVACHIM 114 - Dedicated by Mrs. G. Kornfeld in honor of the Yahrzeit of her mother, Mrs. Gisela Turkel (Golda bas Chaim Yitzchak Ozer), an exceptional woman with an iron will who loved and respected the study of Torah. |
1. If an animal was Rove'a or Nirva, it may not be brought as a Korban, even if it became Rove'a or Nirva after it was already sanctified. 2. If Kodshim Kalim were designated for an Avodah Zarah, or were worshipped as Avodah Zarah, they may not be brought as a Korban, according to Rebbi Yosi ha'Glili. 3. If someone gives the fetus of Kodshim as an Esnan, or trades it for a dog, it may not be brought as a Korban after it is born, according to the Tana of the Mishnah. 4. If one offers outside the Azarah an animal with a temporary Mum or Torim before they reach the age of a Korban, or an animal whose mother was slaughtered that day, he is not liable, according to the Rabanan. Rebbi Shimon disagrees. 5. Rebbi Zeira says that according to Rebbi Shimon, there is an Isur Lav against slaughtering a Korban which is Mechusar Zeman, even if it is slaughtered in the Mishkan. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak disagrees. 6. Rebbi Shimon says that if one slaughters a Korban Pesach on a Bamas Yachid after midday on Erev Pesach at a time when the Bamos are permitted, he transgresses a Lo Sa'aseh. 7. If one slaughters a Korban Pesach on a Bamas Yachid in the morning of Erev Pesach at a time when the Bamos are permitted, he does not transgress a Lo Sa'aseh. 8. If a Zav, Zavah, Metzora, or Nazir brings his or her Chatas or Asham outside of the Azarah before the time to bring the Korban, he or she is not liable. 9. Rav Chilkiyah bar Tuvi says that if a Metzora offers his Asham outside the Azarah she'Lo Lishmah, even if he offers it before the time to bring the Asham, he is liable. Rav Huna disagrees.
1. The animal belongs to Hekdesh and a person may not prohibit something which does not belong to him. Nevertheless, the Torah compares a Devar Ervah to a Mum. Just as a Korban which develops a Mum after the Hekdesh may not be brought, an animal to which a Devar Ervah occurs after Hekdesh may not be brought. 2. The animal belongs to Hekdesh and a person may not prohibit something which does not belong to him. According to Rebbi Yosi ha'Glili, Kodshim Kalim are considered the property of the owner and he may prohibit them. 3. According to the Tana of the Mishnah, the offspring of Kodshim becomes sanctified upon birth. One may not prohibit something which does not belong to him. However, the fetus does belong to him, so he may prohibit it. 4. According to Rebbi Shimon, since the animal will be fit to be brought as a Korban at a later stage, there is an Isur Lav to bring it outside the Azarah, but there is no Chiyuv Kares. 5. According to Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak, the Isur Lav applies only to a Mechusar Zeman slaughtered outside the Azarah, not to one slaughtered inside the Azarah. 6. Even at a time when Bamos are permitted, one is permitted to bring only Nedarim and Nedavos on a Bamah, but not obligatory Korbanos, such as a Korban Pesach. 7. A Korban Pesach offered on the morning of Erev Pesach becomes a Shelamim. A Shelamim may be offered on a Bamas Yachid. 8. However, if they bring their Olah or Shelamim outside the Azarah before the time to bring it, they are liable, because an Olah and Shelamim may be brought at any time as a Nedavah. 9. For example, if one slaughtered the Asham outside the Azarah l'Shem Olah, he is liable, according to Rav Chilkiyah, because an Olah may be brought at any time as a Nedavah. However, according to Rav Huna, he is not liable, because a Korban which is not valid when brought Lishmah is also not valid when it is brought she'Lo Lishmah.
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