brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
A Kohen who is old or ill who can do the Avodah and eat flesh with difficultly if he brings a Korban he may appoint any Kohen he chooses to do the Avodah while the flesh and the hide belong to the Kohanim of that Mishmar. (1) If a Kohen Tamei brings a Korban Tzibur at a time when the entire Mishmar is Tamei he may appoint any Kohen to bring the Korban and the flesh is given to the Kohanim Ba'al Mumim who are Tahor. (2) A Kohen Gadol Onen who brings a Korban may appoint any Kohen to bring the Korban and the flesh and hide of the Korban is given to the Kohanim of the Mishmar. A Kohen Gadol may do the Avodah while he is an Onen but he may not eat from Kodshim and he may not take a share of a Korban even to eat it at night. (3) If a person steals from a Ger and swears falsely and than the Ger dies the principle and fifth must be given to the Kohanim and he must bring a Korban Asham. If he was on his way to Yerushalayim with the money and the Asham and than he died the money is inherited by his sons and the Asham is taken out to pasture and when it develops a Mum it is redeemed and the money is used for Olos Nedavah. If the money had already been given to the Kohanim and than he died the sons no longer have any claim to the money. (4) If the Gazlan gave the money to the Kohanim of the Mishmar of Yehoyariv and subsequently he gave the Asham to the Mishmar of Yadayah he is Yotzei. (5) If he gave the Asham to the Mishmar of Yehoyariv and subsequently he gave the money to the Mishmar of Yadayah if the Asham had not yet been brought it shall be brought by the Mishmar of Yadayah. (6) If the Asham is brought before the Gazlan gives the money to the Kohen he is not Yotzei, however if he gave the principle and the Asham is brought before he gave the fifth he is Yotzei. Rava says if the Gezel of the Ger is given to the Kohanim at night, or it is given in two halves, he is not Yotzei because the Torah calls it an Asham. (7) Rava says if the Gezel ha'Ger is not enough for a Perutah for each one of the Kohanim of the Mishmar he is not Yotzei. If the Gezel ha'Ger is given to the Mishmar of Yadayah during the Mishmar of Yehoyariv and the money is not enough for a Perutah for each Kohen of Yehoyariv but it is enough for each Kohen of Yadayah it is a Safek if he is Yotzei. (8) Kohanim may not trade a share of one Korban for a share of another Korban and they may not trade a share in the Gezel ha'Ger from one person for a share of the Gezel ha'Ger of another person. A Kohen who receives ten animals from Gezel ha'Ger is Patur from Ma'aser Beheimah because Gezel ha'Ger is regarded as a gift. If brothers inherited ten animals between them they are Patur from Ma'aser Beheimah. If someone buys ten animals or receives them as a gift he is Patur from separating Ma'aser Beheimah. The Kohanim were given 24 Matnos Kehunah; ten in the Mikdash 4 in Yerushalayim and ten outside of Yerushalayim. If someone separates a Chatas and he dies the Chatas is put to death and if he separated an Asham and he dies it is sent to pasture until it develops a Mum. (9) Any circumstance which would dictate that a Chatas shall be put to death the same circumstance would dictate that an Asham would be sent to pasture. (10)
1. Since he could do the Avodah (albeit with difficulty) he may appoint a Shali'ach to do the Avodah for him however since he can only eat with difficulty and eating with difficulty is not regarded as eating he may not eat the flesh and the flesh and hide belong to the Kohanim of the Mishmar. 2. A Korban Tzibur may be brought by a Kohen Tamei if the entire Mishmar is Tamei. 3. Even though a Kohen Hedyot may not bring a Korban when he is an Onen however a Kohen Gadol may do the Avodah while he is an Onen and consequently he may appoint a Shali'ach, however he may not eat from the Korban and therefore the flesh is given to the Kohanim of the Mishmar. 4. Even though the father had not yet brought the Asham at the time of his death and consequently he never received a complete atonement the sons may not claim the money back from the Kohanim. 5. The money must be given before the Asham is brought and even though he gave the money first to one Mishmar and the Asham was given to the subsequent Mishmar he is Yotzei. 6. However, if the Mishmar of Yehoyariv brought the Asham he is not Yotzei since the Asham was brought before the money was given and he must bring another Asham. 7. Just as an Asham may not be brought at night or in two halves so too Gezel ha'Ger may not be given at night or in two halves. 8. Even though it is not presently the Mishmar of Yadayah, since the money is not sufficient for a Perutah for each member of Yehoyariv maybe he may give the money to a different Mishmar even though it is not their time to serve in the Beis ha'Mikdash. 9. Once it develops a Mum it is redeemed and the money is used for Olos that are brought when the Mizbe'ach is idle. 10. There are five Chata'os which are put to death and in all five cases an Asham is sent out to pasture until it develops a Mum and it is redeemed and the redemption money is used for Olos Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach.
KORBAN TZIBUR If a Kohen Tamei brings a Korban Tzibur at a time when the entire Mishmar is Tamei he may appoint any Kohen to bring the Korban. Tosfos says that this is accordance with the opinion of Rebbi Sheshes who says in Maseches Yoma that if any of the Kohanim are Tahor the Korban Tzibur must be brought by the Tehorim. The Maharsha explains that even if all of the Kohanim in the entire Mishmar are Tamei and one of the Kohanim in a different Mishmar is Tahor the Kohen Tahor from the other Mishmar must bring the Korban. A Korban Tzibur Korban may only be brought by a Kohen Tamei according to Rebbi Sheshes if all of the Kohanim from all of the Mishmaros are Tamei.
ONE AGAINST ANOTHER The Chachamim teach us that the Kohanim do not trade a portion from one Minchah in return for another Minchah even a Minchas Machavas for a Minchas Machavas or a Minchas Soles for a Minchas Soles and they also do not trade a bird for a bird or a Chatas for a Chatas or a Chazeh v'Shok for a Chazeh v'Shok. Instead each portion is divided up equally among the Kohanim. (Rambam Hilchos Ma'aseh Korbanos 10:15,16)
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