brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
MENACHOS 101-103 - Dedicated by Andy and Nancy Neff in memory of Lucy Rabin, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel. Beloved mother of Nancy Neff, Valerie, Doug and Andy Rabin, and wife of Sidney Rabin, Lucy Rabin passed away on 14 Sivan 5767. |
1. There is a disagreement about whether a Korban is Metamei Tum'as Ochlin if a Kohen had a Machshavas Pigul during the Zerikas ha'Dam, according to Rebbi Shimon. 2. Rebbi Yehoshua says that if a Korban was fit for the Kohanim before it became Pasul, one who derives personal benefit from it is not Chayav for Me'ilah. 3. If a Korban was never fit for the Kohanim (for example, it was slaughtered with a Machshavas Pigul), one who derives personal benefit from it is Chayav for Me'ilah. 4. A person designated an animal as an Asham Taluy. Before he had a chance to offer it he became aware that he did not sin. The animal is Chulin, according to Rebbi Meir. 5. According to the Chachamim, the animal designated as the Asham Taluy is redeemed after it develops a Mum, and the money is used for Olos Nedavah. Rebbi Eliezer maintains that the animal itself is brought on the Mizbe'ach. 6. A person designated an animal as an Asham Taluy. Before he became aware that he did not sin, he slaughtered the animal. He then became aware that he did not sin. The blood is to be spilled and the flesh is to be burned. 7. If the blood of the Asham Taluy was already sprinkled on the Mizbe'ach before he became aware that he sinned, the Korban is valid and the flesh is to be eaten by the Kohanim. 8. Rebbi Yosi says that if the blood of the Asham Taluy was received in a Kli Shares, even if it was not yet sprinkled on the Mizbe'ach, the Korban is valid and the flesh is eaten by the Kohanim. 9. If the flour of Menachos which had not come into contact with oil was touched by a Sheretz, there is a doubt about whether it is considered a Rishon l'Tum'ah and can make something it touches a Sheni l'Tum'ah. 10. If one vowed to bring a Minchas Machavas and he brought instead a Minchas Marcheshes, or vice versa, the Minchah is valid but he does not fulfill his Neder. Rebbi Shimon maintains that he even fulfills his Neder. 11. If one vowed to bring a Minchah of two Esronim in one utensil, and he brought it instead in two utensils, or vice versa, the Minchah is valid, but he does not fulfill his Neder. 12. If, when he brings the Minchah in one utensil, he is reminded that he vowed to bring it in two utensils, he fulfills his obligation if he brings it in two utensils. Otherwise, it is Pasul.
1. According to one opinion, since there was time to perform the Zerikas ha'Dam before it became Pasul, according to Rebbi Shimon it is considered as though it was performed and the Korban is Metamei Tum'as Ochlin. 2. Even if the Korban was never actually permitted to the Kohanim because the Zerikas ha'Dam was not done before it became Pasul with Linah, since there was time for the Zerikas ha'Dam to be done before it became Pasul, it is considered to have been permitted to the Kohanim. Hence, there is no Chiyuv Me'ilah. 3. Since the Shechitah was done when it was Pasul and there was never a time at which it could have been permitted to the Kohanim, there is a Chiyuv Me'ilah. 4. Since he now knows that he did not sin, it is a Hekdesh Ta'us; it has no sanctity and may be placed together with the other animals in the flock. 5. According to the Rabanan, since he was afraid that he sinned, he was Makdish the animal with a full heart, and it is not a Hekdesh Ta'us. According to Rebbi Eliezer, the Korban must be offered, because although he did not sin at this time, he undoubtedly sinned at some other time. 6. This is because it is Chulin which was slaughtered in the Azarah and it is Pasul. 7. The Torah itself commands him to bring an Asham Taluy out of doubt. Hence, even though there was a doubt about it at the time it was offered, it is considered a valid Korban. 8. Rebbi Yosi rules that a Kli Shares is Mekadesh Pesulin. 9. A food item which has not come into contact with liquid is not susceptible to Tum'ah. Since a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv states that Kodesh is susceptible to Tum'ah without coming into contact with liquid, there is a Safek about whether its Tum'ah is such that it can make other things Tamei mid'Oraisa, or only mid'Rabanan. 10. However, if he says, "I will bring this flour for a Minchas Machavas," and he brings instead a Minchas Marcheshes, or vice versa, the Minchah is Pasul. 11. However, if he says, "I will bring this flour in one utensil," and he brings it instead in two utensils, or vice versa, the Minchah is Pasul. 12. Since -- at the time he was reminded that he vowed to bring the Minchah in two utensils -- he did not respond that he is bringing this flour for a different Minchah, it is apparent that this is the Minchah that he vowed to bring. Therefore, if he did not bring it in the manner that he vowed, it is Pasul.
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