brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
MENACHOS 10 (9 Elul) - Dedicated to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Chana bas Mordechai Eliezer z'l. |
1. The Shemen of the Metzora may be placed on the side of the Behonos, but not underneath the Behonos. It is placed on the same place where the blood of the Asham is placed. 2. Kemitzah is performed with the right hand of the Kohen, Chalitzah is performed on the right foot of the Yavam, and Retzi'ah is done to the right ear of the slave. 3. The Shemen of a Metzora is poured only on the Kohen's left hand. 4. The head and right foreleg of the Korban Tamid is brought to the Mizbe'ach by one Kohen. The head is carried in his right hand and the leg in his left hand. 5. The Kabalas ha'Dam and Zerikas ha'Dam may be done only with the Kohen's right hand, according to the Tana Kama. Rebbi Shimon disagrees. 6. The Kometz must be placed in a Kli Shares with the Kohen's right hand before it is burned on the Mizbe'ach, according to the Rabanan. 7. There is a disagreement about whether, according to Rebbi Shimon, the Kometz must be placed in a Kli Shares before it is burned on the Mizbe'ach. 8. Rebbi Yehudah b'Rebbi Chiya says that according to Rebbi Shimon, if the Kometz is not placed in a Kli but rather it is taken by hand directly to the Mizbe'ach, it must be done with the right hand. 9. Rebbi Shimon says that a Minchas Chotei is brought without oil and Levonah so that the Korban will not be Mehudar. 10. Even according to Rebbi Shimon, the Kemitzah of a Minchas Chotei must be done with the Kohen's right hand.
1. The Shemen may be placed there whether the blood of the Asham has been wiped off or not. The blood of the Asham is not considered a Chatzitzah. 2. All of these laws are derived through a Gezeirah Shavah from the law of a Metzora. 3. Although, usually, only the right hand is used for the Avodah, in this case only the left hand may be used. 4. The head is heavier and more important, and therefore it is carried in the right hand. Carrying the limbs of a Korban to the Mizbe'ach is an Avodah which can be circumvented: the Shechitah can be done next to the Mizbe'ach, or the limbs can be handed from one Kohen to another, and therefore it may be done with the left hand. 5. According to the Tana Kama, since the Torah states "Kehunah" with regard to the Kabalas ha'Dam, it must be done with the Kohen's right hand. According to Rebbi Shimon, where the Torah states "Yad" or "Etzba," only the right hand may be used. Where the Torah states only "Kehunah," the left hand also may be used. 6. The Kemitzah must be done with Kohen's right hand, and the Kometz subsequently must be placed into a Kli Shares with his right hand, according to the Rabanan. 7. Even according to the opinion that the Kometz must be placed in a Kli Shares, it may be placed there with the left hand, according to Rebbi Shimon. 8. The act of bringing the Kometz by hand directly to the Mizbe'ach is learned from the law of a Chatas, which must be done with the right hand. The act of placing the Kometz into a Kli Shares before bringing it to the Mizbe'ach is learned from the law of an Asham, which may be done with the Kohen's left hand. 9 Although a sinner should not be rewarded by not having to bring oil, his Minchah is comprised of nothing but flour in order that it not be Mehudar. 10. Since Rebbi Shimon says that a Minchas Chotei is comprised of nothing but flour in order that the sinner's Minchah not be Mehudar, one might have thought that he allows the Kemitzah to be done with the left hand. This is not the case; the Kemitzah must be done with the right hand.
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